This repo has Terraform manifests that will deploy:
- AKS Cluster
- ArgoCD via AutoPilot (this is done with my argocd-autopilot-terraform-modules)
This Terraform example came from Marcel Demper's Github repo. Watch his video on the subject to make the tutorial easier to follow.
More resources:
Terraform provider for Azure here
Another Terraform instructional video
You can get the Azure CLI on Docker-Hub
We'll need the Azure CLI to gather information so we can build our Terraform file.
# Run Azure CLI
docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/work -w /work --entrypoint /bin/sh
#login and follow prompts
az login
# view and select your subscription account
az account list -o table
az account set --subscription $SUBSCRIPTION
Kubernetes needs a service account to manage our Kubernetes cluster
Lets create one!
SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_JSON=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --skip-assignment --name aks-getting-started-sp -o json)
# Keep the `appId` and `password` for later use!
#note: reset the credential if you have any sinlge or double quote on password
az ad sp credential reset --name "aks-getting-started-sp"
# Grant contributor role over the subscription to our service principal
az role assignment create --assignee $SERVICE_PRINCIPAL \
--scope "/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION" \
--role Contributor
For extra reference you can also take a look at the Microsoft Docs: here
# Get Terraform
curl -o /tmp/ -LO
unzip /tmp/
chmod +x terraform && mv terraform /usr/local/bin/
cd kubernetes/cloud/azure/terraform/
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N "VeryStrongSecret123!" -C "" -q -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
SSH_KEY=$(cat ~/.ssh/
Terrform will do the following:
Create a Kubernetes cluster on Azure.
Install ArgoCD Autopilot and bootstrap a git repo that contains some basic helm charts.
The following example uses my ArgoCD autopilot repo as an example. You'll need to set your
to the repo that contains your ArgoCD Autopilot repo. -
Documentation on all the Kubernetes fields for terraform here
terraform init
terraform plan -var serviceprinciple_id=$SERVICE_PRINCIPAL \
-var name=aks-getting-started \
-var serviceprinciple_key="$SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_SECRET" \
-var tenant_id=$TENANT_ID \
-var subscription_id=$SUBSCRIPTION \
-var ssh_key="$SSH_KEY" \
-var git_token=$GIT_TOKEN \
-var git_repo= \
-var git_username=polinchw
terraform apply -var serviceprinciple_id=$SERVICE_PRINCIPAL \
-var name=aks-getting-started \
-var serviceprinciple_key="$SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_SECRET" \
-var tenant_id=$TENANT_ID \
-var subscription_id=$SUBSCRIPTION \
-var ssh_key="$SSH_KEY" \
-var git_token=$GIT_TOKEN \
-var git_repo= \
-var git_username=polinchw
# grab our AKS config
az aks get-credentials -n aks-getting-started -g aks-getting-started
kubectl get svc
You want to remove the argocd namespace from the Terraform state before you destroy the cluster because it can have a Kubernetes finalizer that can cause the larger destory to hang.
terraform state rm module.k8s.kubernetes_namespace.argocd
terraform destroy -var serviceprinciple_id=$SERVICE_PRINCIPAL \
-var name=aks-getting-started \
-var serviceprinciple_key="$SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_SECRET" \
-var tenant_id=$TENANT_ID \
-var subscription_id=$SUBSCRIPTION \
-var ssh_key="$SSH_KEY" \
-var git_token=$GIT_TOKEN \
-var git_repo= \
-var git_username=polinchw
To delete the resource group with the az cli:
az group delete --name aks-getting-started
To upgrade the AKS control plane run this command:
az aks upgrade --kubernetes-version 1.24.10 --name upgrade --resource-group upgrade-rg --control-plane-only
To upgrade the AKS node pool run this command:
az aks nodepool upgrade --cluster-name upgrade --nodepool-name agentpool --resource-group upgrade-rg --kubernetes-version 1.24.10