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⏲️ DIAL: Aligning LLMs with Domain Invariant Reward Models

Paper link:

Website link:


To setup, create a conda environment and install Python:

conda create --name dial
conda install python=3.10

Then install the requirements using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .


Data for each application is available at the following links:

Cross-lingual transfer and clean to noisy data on Stanford Human Preference Dataset

Data is available for English, Korean, Chinese, Thai, and Formal on three splits: askscience, explainlikeimfive, and legaladvice. Filenames inside the dataset are named as [split]_[language]_[train/val/test]. Codes for each language are:

  • English: english
  • Korean: kor_Hang
  • Chinese: zho_Hans
  • Thai: tha_Thai
  • Formal: formal

Few-shot to full transfer

For the few-shot samples data, the files marked just_sample only contain the 10 examples in the sample. The files marked sampler contain the same samples, but repeated 1000 times for a total of 10000 examples.

Simple-to-complex Transfer

Data for argument fragments is labeled short, while data for full essays is labeled long. Preference data is labeled pref while score data (with labels of scores from 1-6) are not labeled pref.

Odd one out

For each of 5 food categories (desserts, fruits, vegetables, sauces, snacks), train, val, and test files are provided. Files are named [category]_sub_out_[train/val/test].

XS RL Data

The training data contains both chosen and rejected responses, as well as the correct "action" (comply/refuse). The evaluation response contains one entry per prompt with only the correct action and no responses.


All training runs except for RL use The general format for a command is:

Before training, please run:

accelerate config

and fill in details about your system setup.

accelerate launch scripts/train/ --model_name google/gemma-2b \
                 --seed 0 \
                 --precision bfloat16 \
                 --num_labels 1 \
                 --dataset_type domain_adaptation_contrastive \
                 --eval_dataset_type contrastive \
                 --file_type json \
                 --data_files /path/to/askscience_formal_train.json \
                 --target_data_files /path/to/askscience_train_train.json \
                 --shuffle_target_dataset \
                 --eval_data_files /path/to/configs/askscience_validation_val.json \
                 --dataset_config_path /path/to/configs/pref.json \
                 --root_dir /path/to/root/dir \
                 --loss_type binary_cross_entropy \
                 --lora_r 64 \
                 --lora_alpha 64 \
                 --mode both \
                 --train_mode baseline \
                 --eval_mode contrastive \
                 --batch_size 2 \
                 --max_length 1024 \
                 --num_epochs 20 \
                 --learning_rate 5e-5 \
                 --metric_names multiclass_accuracy \
                 --accuracy_columns 2 \
                 --weight_decay 0.01 \
                 --target_ntp \
                 --model_type gemma_dual \
                 --use_wandb \
                 --gradient_accumulation_steps 2

Explanation of each parameter:

  • model_name: model name. All reward model experiments in the paper use Gemma-2b.
  • seed: Specify the seed. All experiments in the paper use seeds 0, 1, and 2. Note that there still may be minor differences due to uncontrollable aspects and system attributes.
  • precision: bfloat16, float32, or float16.
  • num_labels: 1 - this is the number of output values for your reward model. Should normally be 1.
  • dataset_type: choose from , domain_adaptation, contrastive, domain_adaptation_contrastive, domain_adaptation_wrapped.
    • sequence_prediction/contrastive: for running non-DIAL baselines, using only one domain with text and numeric fields.
    • domain_adaptation/domain_adaptation_contrastive: use for DIAL when you wish to train for the length of the smaller dataset
    • domain_adaptation_wrapped: DIAL dataset that wraps the smaller dataset to the size of the larger dataset. When the two datasets are the same size, this is the same as domain_adaptation.
  • eval_dataset_type: same as dataset_type but for evaluation.
  • file_type: type of data file to be passed to datasets.load_dataset. This will be json for all applications listed above.
  • data_files: path to source training data.
  • target_data_files: path to target training data.
  • shuffle_target_dataset: whether or not to shuffle the target dataset for DIAL or Oracle runs. Will typically be true unless debugging.
  • eval_data_files: path to evaluation data.
  • dataset_config_path: path to the dataset config, listed under configs. Will be either mcq.json, pref.json, or seq_pred.json
  • da_config_path: path to DIAL config. Will typically be wdgrl_hundredth.json in configs directory.
  • root_dir: where to save output checkpoints.
  • loss_type: type of loss to be used. Will typically be contrastive for preference loss.
  • lora_r, lora_alpha: standard parameters for LoRA.
  • mode: train, eval, or both (evaluate while training).
  • train_mode/eval_mode:
    • sequence_prediction: train with non-contrastive loss for non-DIAL baseline.
    • domain_adaptation: train with non-contrastive loss for DIAL.
    • contrastive: train with contrastive loss for non-DIAL baseline.
    • domain_adaptation_contrastive: train with contrastive loss for DIAL.
    • mcq: train with MCQ loss (contrastive loss with more than one negative). Only used for odd one out.
    • domain_adaptation_mcq: train with MCQ loss for DIAL.
    • baseline: train with source sft or target ntp.
    • oracle: train with both source and target losses.
  • batch_size: batch size, for single domain before gradient accumulation. Effective batch size is batch size * number of domains * gradient_accumulation_steps.
  • max_length: context length
  • num_epochs: number of epochs to train
  • learning_rate: learning rate
  • metric_names: list of metrics for evaluation.
    • multiclass_accuracy: accuracy
    • average_rank: rank for multiclass classification. minimum value 0
    • pearson/spearman: correlation for simple to complex task.
    • mcq_accuracy: accuracy for odd one out task
    • mcq_rank: rank for odd one out task
  • accuracy_columns: number of classes for multiclass accuracy. Will be 2 for all contrastive tasks.
  • weight_decay: weight decay. do not specify this parameter if it is not used.
  • source_sft/target_ntp: baseline modes
  • model_type: gemma_dual for source_sft and target_ntp baselines (need both classification head and reward head) or sequence_classification for all other methods.
  • use_wandb: whether to use wandb for logging.
  • gradient_accumulation_steps: number of gradient accumulation steps.

Hyperparameters for the individual tasks are specified in the paper.

XS RL Data

Before training, you must start an LLM evaluation server using the following command:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m sglang.launch_server --port 7502 --model-path meta-llama/Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct
accelerate launch scripts/train/ --train-reward \
                  --seed 2 \
                  --data-path /path/to/train_correct.json \
                  --reward-batch-size 8 \
                  --root-dir /path/to/root/dir \
                  --train-ppo \
                  --ppo-batch-size 8 \
                  --reward-max-length 320 \
                  --ppo-query-max-length 32 \
                  --ppo-response-max-length 320 \
                  --num-generation-epochs 20 \
                  --ppo-kl-coef 0.05 \
                  --use-wandb \
                  --reward-da \
                  --da-config-path /path/to/dial/configs/wdgrl_hundredth.json \
                  --da-train-mode moment \
                  --port 7502


  • train-reward: whether to train reward function. Will typically be true unless loading a pre-trained reward function.
  • seed: seed, seeds used in paper are 0, 1, 2.
  • data-path: path to training data.
  • reward-batch-size: batch size for reward model training.
  • root-dir: where to save checkpoints.
  • train-ppo: whether to train PPO model.
  • ppo-batch-size: batch size for PPO training
  • reward-max-length: context length for reward model training.
  • ppo-query-max-length: context length for query in PPO training.
  • ppo-response-max-length: context length for response in PPO training.
  • num-generation-epochs: num epochs of training. Each epoch is a new set of generated responses.
  • ppo-kl-coef: KL coefficient for PPO
  • use-wandb: whether to use wandb for logging.
  • reward-da: whether to use DIAL to train reward model
  • da-config-path: domain adaptation config path if using DIAL
  • port: port for LLM judge evaluation
  • step-lr: whether to use step function decreasing learning rate schedule.

Detailed parameters are given in the paper.


accelerate launch scripts/eval/ --model_name google/gemma-2b \
                 --adapter_path /path/to/root/dir/checkpoints/epoch_0_step_5000 \
                 --seed 0 \
                 --precision bfloat16 \
                 --num_labels 1 \
                 --dataset_type sequence_prediction \
                 --file_type json \
                 --data_files /path/to/legaladvice_validation_val.json \
                 --eval_data_files /path/to/legaladvice_kor_Hang_test.json \
                 --dataset_config_path /path/to/dial/configs/seq_pred.json \
                 --eval_dataset_config_path /path/to/dial/configs/pref.json \
                 --root_dir /path/to/coda_data/debug \
                 --mode eval \
                 --eval_mode contrastive \
                 --metric_names multiclass_accuracy \
                 --accuracy_columns 2 \
                 --eval_batch_size 32 \
                 --eval_max_length 1024

All parameters remain the same as training, except for adapter_path, which is the path to the LoRA adapter of the trained model.

XS RL Data

python3 scripts/eval/ --ppo-model-name "google/gemma-1.1-2b-it" \
                       --ppo-model-path /path/to/root/dir/ppo_model_gen_18_final/ \
                       --data-path /path/to/rlxs/train_correct.json
  • ppo-model-name: base model for PPO (google/gemma-1.1-2b-it for all experiments in the paper)
  • ppo-model-path: path to trained PPO LoRA adapter.
  • data-path: path to evaluation data.


Please contact David Wu at if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.