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introduce lego data in welcome slides
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rpodcast committed Sep 3, 2023
1 parent c1e42df commit 2bc3427
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Showing 4 changed files with 26 additions and 7 deletions.
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@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
"hash": "0aabac08f5dd9a4ba94e184618aba7fd",
"hash": "77a65b7af07a06cacc3f324ba3f1fcee",
"result": {
"markdown": "---\ntitle: \"Welcome!\"\nsubtitle: \"posit::conf(2023) <br> Shiny in Production: Tools & Techniques\"\nauthor: \"Eric Nantz\"\nfooter: \"[{{< var workshop_short_url >}}]({{< var workshop_full_url >}})\"\nformat: \n revealjs:\n theme: [default, ../slides.scss] # moon= teal bg | dark\n css: assets/web/postit.css\n scrollable: true\n incremental: true\n slide-number: c/t # c/t | c | h/v | h.v\n slide-tone: false #true\n code-line-numbers: false\n history: false\n---\n\n\n## Welcome to posit::conf(2023)! {background-color=\"black\" background-image=\"assets/img/bg/rstudioconf_crowd.jpg\" background-size=\"cover\"}\n\n## Conference Logistics {visibility=\"hidden\"}\n\n::: {.nonincremental}\n1. Identify the exits closes to you in case of emergency\n1. Gender neutral bathrooms located {{< var bathrooms_location >}}\n1. Lactation room located at {{< var lactation_location >}}\n1. A meditation room is available at {{< var quiet_location >}} (Open 8 AM - 5 PM).\n1. Please do not photograph anyone wearing red lanyards\n:::\n\n## Workshop Policies \n\n::: {.nonincremental}\n1. Please review the `posit::conf` [Code of Conduct](\n1. Issues can be addressed in following ways:\n 1. **In person:** Contact any `posit::conf` staff member, identifiable by their staff t-shirt shirt, or visit the conference registration desk.\n 1. **By email:** Send a message to ``; event organizers will respond promptly.\n 1. **By phone:** call `844—448—1212`\n\n:::\n\n## Meet the Team!\n\n:::: {.columns}\n\n::: {.column width=\"50%\"}\n![](assets/img/people/enantz.jpg){fig-alt=\"Eric Nantz\" fig-align=\"center\" width=\"70%\"}\n:::\n\n::: {.column width=\"50%\"}\n![](assets/img/people/mthomas.jpeg){fig-alt=\"Michael Thomas\" fig-align=\"center\"}\n:::\n\n::::\n\n::: footer\nTODO: Link to Meet the Team Section on Home Page\n:::\n\n## Your Turn\n\nIntroduce yourself to your neighbor(s)\n\nWhat is your most memorable Shiny application in production experience?\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n::: {.cell-output-display}\n```{=html}\n<div class=\"countdown\" id=\"timer_49a1d743\" data-update-every=\"1\" tabindex=\"0\" style=\"right:0;bottom:0;\">\n<div class=\"countdown-controls\"><button class=\"countdown-bump-down\">&minus;</button><button class=\"countdown-bump-up\">&plus;</button></div>\n<code class=\"countdown-time\"><span class=\"countdown-digits minutes\">02</span><span class=\"countdown-digits colon\">:</span><span class=\"countdown-digits seconds\">00</span></code>\n</div>\n```\n:::\n:::\n\n\n---\n\n:::: {.columns .v-center-container}\n\n::: {.column width=\"23%\"}\n\n### WiFi\n\n<br> \n\n`<svg aria-hidden=\"true\" role=\"img\" viewBox=\"0 0 640 512\" style=\"height:3em;width:3.75em;vertical-align:-0.125em;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;font-size:inherit;fill:blue;overflow:visible;position:relative;\"><path d=\"M54.2 202.9C123.2 136.7 216.8 96 320 96s196.8 40.7 265.8 106.9c12.8 12.2 33 11.8 45.2-.9s11.8-33-.9-45.2C549.7 79.5 440.4 32 320 32S90.3 79.5 9.8 156.7C-2.9 169-3.3 189.2 8.9 202s32.5 13.2 45.2 .9zM320 256c56.8 0 108.6 21.1 148.2 56c13.3 11.7 33.5 10.4 45.2-2.8s10.4-33.5-2.8-45.2C459.8 219.2 393 192 320 192s-139.8 27.2-190.5 72c-13.3 11.7-14.5 31.9-2.8 45.2s31.9 14.5 45.2 2.8c39.5-34.9 91.3-56 148.2-56zm64 160a64 64 0 1 0 -128 0 64 64 0 1 0 128 0z\"/></svg>`{=html}\n\n<br>\n\n### `{{< var wifi_username >}}`\n\n:::\n\n::: {.column width=\"47%\"}\n\n![](assets/img/bg/surf_internet.jpg)\n\n:::\n\n::: {.column width=\"30%\"}\n\n### Password\n\n<br>\n\n`<svg aria-hidden=\"true\" role=\"img\" viewBox=\"0 0 512 512\" style=\"height:3em;width:3em;vertical-align:-0.125em;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;font-size:inherit;fill:blue;overflow:visible;position:relative;\"><path d=\"M336 352c97.2 0 176-78.8 176-176S433.2 0 336 0S160 78.8 160 176c0 18.7 2.9 36.8 8.3 53.7L7 391c-4.5 4.5-7 10.6-7 17v80c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h80c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V448h40c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V384h40c6.4 0 12.5-2.5 17-7l33.3-33.3c16.9 5.4 35 8.3 53.7 8.3zM376 96a40 40 0 1 1 0 80 40 40 0 1 1 0-80z\"/></svg>`{=html}\n\n<br>\n\n### `{{< var wifi_password >}}`\n\n:::\n\n::::\n\n## About those post-its\n\n:::: {.columns .v-center-container}\n\n::: {.column width=\"50%\"}\n\n\n```{=html}\n<ul id=\"notes-green\">\n <li>\n <p>Done with activity</p>\n </li>\n</ul>\n```\n\n\n:::\n\n::: {.column width=\"50%\"}\n\n\n```{=html}\n<ul id=\"notes-pink\">\n <li>\n <p>I'd like help</p>\n </li>\n</ul>\n```\n\n\n:::\n\n:::\n\n# Power-On (Setup)\n\nFollow [Setup Procedure](../setup.qmd) to connect with the workshop resources:\n\n* Posit Connect\n* Posit Cloud\n* Account Integrations\n\n# The Beginning ... {background-color=\"black\" background-image=\"assets/img/bg/beginning.png\" background-size=\"cover\"}\n\n::: {.notes}\n* You've seen Shiny could be a game-changer for a project\n* Build an application quickly, purely with R code\n* You send it to a key stakeholder, and they love it\n:::\n\n# A New World {background-image=\"assets/img/bg/metroid_ship.jpg\" background-size=\"cover\" background-color=\"black\"}\n\n::: {.notes}\n* Everyone who sees it thinks the app is amazing\n* Suddenly you are asked (or told) this needs to get into PRODUCTION\n* ..... and now what?\n:::\n\n\n## Many Users {background-image=\"assets/img/bg/many_users.jpg\" background-size=\"contain\" background-color=\"black\"}\n\n## High-Profile Situations {background-image=\"assets/img/bg/nasa_mission_control.jpg\" background-size=\"contain\" background-color=\"black\"}\n\n\n## Part of a Critical Pipeline {background-image=\"assets/img/bg/pinky_brain_take_over_world.jpg\" background-size=\"contain\" background-color=\"black\"}\n\n## The Journey Ahead\n\n<br> \n\n**Production** has more than one meaning for Shiny apps\n\n. . .\n\n<br>\n\nThe tooling & principles discussed in this workshop will guide you to the destination\n\n",
"supporting": [],
"markdown": "---\ntitle: \"Welcome!\"\nsubtitle: \"Shiny in Production: Tools & Techniques <br> posit::conf(2023)\"\nfooter: \"[{{< var workshop_short_url >}}]({{< var workshop_full_url >}})\"\nformat: \n revealjs:\n theme: [default, ../slides.scss] # moon= teal bg | dark\n css: assets/web/postit.css\n scrollable: true\n incremental: true\n slide-number: c/t # c/t | c | h/v | h.v\n show-slide-number: print\n slide-tone: false #true\n code-line-numbers: false\n history: false\n---\n\n\n## Welcome to posit::conf(2023)! {background-color=\"black\" background-image=\"assets/img/bg/rstudioconf_crowd.jpg\" background-size=\"cover\"}\n\n## Conference Logistics {visibility=\"hidden\"}\n\n::: {.nonincremental}\n1. Identify the exits closes to you in case of emergency\n1. Gender neutral bathrooms located {{< var bathrooms_location >}}\n1. Lactation room located at {{< var lactation_location >}}\n1. A meditation room is available at {{< var quiet_location >}} (Open 8 AM - 5 PM).\n1. Please do not photograph anyone wearing red lanyards\n:::\n\n## Workshop Policies \n\n::: {.nonincremental}\n1. Please review the `posit::conf` [Code of Conduct](\n1. Issues can be addressed in following ways:\n 1. **In person:** Contact any `posit::conf` staff member, identifiable by their staff t-shirt shirt, or visit the conference registration desk.\n 1. **By email:** Send a message to ``; event organizers will respond promptly.\n 1. **By phone:** call `844—448—1212`\n\n:::\n\n## Meet the Team!\n\n:::: {.columns}\n\n::: {.column width=\"50%\"}\n![](assets/img/people/enantz.jpg){fig-alt=\"Eric Nantz\" fig-align=\"center\" width=\"70%\"}\n:::\n\n::: {.column width=\"50%\"}\n![](assets/img/people/mthomas.jpeg){fig-alt=\"Michael Thomas\" fig-align=\"center\"}\n:::\n\n::::\n\n::: footer\nTODO: Link to Meet the Team Section on Home Page\n:::\n\n## Your Turn\n\nIntroduce yourself to your neighbor(s)\n\nWhat is your most memorable Shiny application in production experience?\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n::: {.cell-output-display}\n```{=html}\n<div class=\"countdown\" id=\"timer_ea492f11\" data-update-every=\"1\" tabindex=\"0\" style=\"right:0;bottom:0;\">\n<div class=\"countdown-controls\"><button class=\"countdown-bump-down\">&minus;</button><button class=\"countdown-bump-up\">&plus;</button></div>\n<code class=\"countdown-time\"><span class=\"countdown-digits minutes\">02</span><span class=\"countdown-digits colon\">:</span><span class=\"countdown-digits seconds\">00</span></code>\n</div>\n```\n:::\n:::\n\n\n---\n\n:::: {.columns .v-center-container}\n\n::: {.column width=\"23%\"}\n\n### WiFi\n\n<br> \n\n`<svg aria-hidden=\"true\" role=\"img\" viewBox=\"0 0 640 512\" style=\"height:3em;width:3.75em;vertical-align:-0.125em;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;font-size:inherit;fill:blue;overflow:visible;position:relative;\"><path d=\"M54.2 202.9C123.2 136.7 216.8 96 320 96s196.8 40.7 265.8 106.9c12.8 12.2 33 11.8 45.2-.9s11.8-33-.9-45.2C549.7 79.5 440.4 32 320 32S90.3 79.5 9.8 156.7C-2.9 169-3.3 189.2 8.9 202s32.5 13.2 45.2 .9zM320 256c56.8 0 108.6 21.1 148.2 56c13.3 11.7 33.5 10.4 45.2-2.8s10.4-33.5-2.8-45.2C459.8 219.2 393 192 320 192s-139.8 27.2-190.5 72c-13.3 11.7-14.5 31.9-2.8 45.2s31.9 14.5 45.2 2.8c39.5-34.9 91.3-56 148.2-56zm64 160a64 64 0 1 0 -128 0 64 64 0 1 0 128 0z\"/></svg>`{=html}\n\n<br>\n\n### `{{< var wifi_username >}}`\n\n:::\n\n::: {.column width=\"47%\"}\n\n![](assets/img/bg/surf_internet.jpg)\n\n:::\n\n::: {.column width=\"30%\"}\n\n### Password\n\n<br>\n\n`<svg aria-hidden=\"true\" role=\"img\" viewBox=\"0 0 512 512\" style=\"height:3em;width:3em;vertical-align:-0.125em;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;font-size:inherit;fill:blue;overflow:visible;position:relative;\"><path d=\"M336 352c97.2 0 176-78.8 176-176S433.2 0 336 0S160 78.8 160 176c0 18.7 2.9 36.8 8.3 53.7L7 391c-4.5 4.5-7 10.6-7 17v80c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h80c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V448h40c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V384h40c6.4 0 12.5-2.5 17-7l33.3-33.3c16.9 5.4 35 8.3 53.7 8.3zM376 96a40 40 0 1 1 0 80 40 40 0 1 1 0-80z\"/></svg>`{=html}\n\n<br>\n\n### `{{< var wifi_password >}}`\n\n:::\n\n::::\n\n## About those post-its\n\n:::: {.columns .v-center-container}\n\n::: {.column width=\"50%\"}\n\n\n```{=html}\n<ul id=\"notes-green\">\n <li>\n <p>Done with activity</p>\n </li>\n</ul>\n```\n\n\n:::\n\n::: {.column width=\"50%\"}\n\n\n```{=html}\n<ul id=\"notes-pink\">\n <li>\n <p>I'd like help</p>\n </li>\n</ul>\n```\n\n\n:::\n\n:::\n\n# Power-On (Setup)\n\nFollow [Setup Procedure](../setup.qmd) to connect with the workshop resources:\n\n* Posit Connect\n* Posit Cloud\n* Account Integrations\n\n# The Beginning ... {background-color=\"black\" background-image=\"assets/img/bg/beginning.png\" background-size=\"cover\"}\n\n::: {.notes}\n* You've seen Shiny could be a game-changer for a project\n* Build an application quickly, purely with R code\n* You send it to a key stakeholder, and they love it\n:::\n\n# A New World {background-image=\"assets/img/bg/metroid_ship.jpg\" background-size=\"cover\" background-color=\"black\"}\n\n::: {.notes}\n* Everyone who sees it thinks the app is amazing\n* Suddenly you are asked (or told) this needs to get into PRODUCTION\n* ..... and now what?\n:::\n\n\n## Many Users {background-image=\"assets/img/bg/many_users.jpg\" background-size=\"contain\" background-color=\"black\"}\n\n## High-Profile Situations {background-image=\"assets/img/bg/nasa_mission_control.jpg\" background-size=\"contain\" background-color=\"black\"}\n\n\n## Part of a Critical Pipeline {background-image=\"assets/img/bg/pinky_brain_take_over_world.jpg\" background-size=\"contain\" background-color=\"black\"}\n\n## The Journey Ahead\n\n<br> \n\n**Production** has more than one meaning for Shiny apps\n\n. . .\n\n<br>\n\nThe tooling & principles discussed in this workshop will guide you to the destination\n\n# The Challenge\n\n## Rebrickable Inventory Dashboard\n\n* Rebrickable: Portal for LEGO builders to discover what sets they can build with their own inventory\n* A comprehensive database of LEGO items available for free!\n* We will build a Shiny dashboard to explore the inventory and enable users to generate predictions\n\n## {background-image=\"assets/img/bg/rebrickable_schema.png\" background-size=\"cover\"}\n\n::: footer\n\n:::\n\n",
"supporting": [
"filters": [
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