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Migration guide v4.2.0

Anne Tilloy edited this page May 25, 2021 · 8 revisions

Import additional information about CGMES boundaries as extensions

Since this version, new extensions CgmesDanglingLineBoundaryNode and CgmesLineBoundaryNode have been added to retrieve additional information about CGMES boundaries. If you are using a custom IIDM implementation, you will have to implement these extensions and their adders and create providers for your custom adders' implementations if you want to continue using the CGMES import.

Allow bPerSection to be equals to zero in linear shunt compensators

Since this version, linear shunt compensators with a bPerSection=0 are considered as valid: it will not crash anymore. However, networks with such equipment may crash if you try to reimport them in a previous core version. A pre-processing to change these values might be necessary.

New LoadFlow parameters

New load-flow parameters dcUseTransformerRatio, countriesToBalance and connectedComponentMode have been added in this version. Be careful of the default values. Please go to the documentation for more information.

Remove blazegraph

Blazegraph implementation is not available anymore to read CGMES files as triplestores. Please preferably use RDF4J implementation.

Remove useless utilities in commons

Following utilities classes have been removed:

  • BufferedLineParser
  • ConnectionParameters
  • IntervalAdapter
  • JaxbContextCache
  • JaxbUtil
  • MemoryMappedFile
  • MemoryMappedFileFactory
  • MemoryMappedFileImpl
  • MemoryMappedFileMock
  • UncheckedJaxbException
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