Software upgrader for FreeBSD, a frontend for portsnap, portmaster/portupgrade/makefile. Tries to be smart by only upgrading software that doesn't have any mentions in UPDATING.
- ghc
- cabal
- cabal configure
- cabal build
Configure is only necessary at the first build.
Checking whether port needs any manual intervention is done by simply grepping the UPDATING file for the port name. It is too conservative: some of the updating entries are years old. To improve this, UPDATING needs to be parsed to extract individual entries and up should flag a port as manual only if the entry that mentions it is newer than the installed version of the port.
It is disabled in 0.0.1 branch, but enabled on master. It is not designed to handle first-time runs of portsnap, but does definitely work for the situations when the user already ran portsnap once. Should that be a concern at all?