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X-ray Spectral Imaging Program (XSIP)

A Python-based data analysis software for two imaging techniques: spectral K-Edge Subtraction imaging (spectral KES) and Wide-Field Energy Dispersive X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (Wide-Field EDXAS).

The core algorithm of this Python version software package is based on programs developed with IDL by Prof. L. Dean Chapman.


1. Prepare the Python environment

1.1 Install Python

(If you already have Python3 (>3.6) installed on your machine, you can skip this step.)

Option 1. Miniconda (recommended)

Install the Miniconda Python distribution by following the official instructions Miniconda — Conda documentation.

Option 2.

BeginnersGuide/Download - Python Wiki.

1.2 Prepare a virtual environment

Create the virtual environment

conda create -n xsip python=3.6

Note that the xsip in the command above can be replaced with a name you give. The xsip will be used in the instruction as an example.

2. Install XSIP

2.1 Download the repository and unzip the downloaded file


2.2 Prepare the virtual environment

Activate the created virtual environment.
conda activate xsip
Install dependencies.
pip install -r path/to/setup/xsip_requirements.txt

The xsip_requirements.txt file is located in the setup folder in the downloaded repository. Use the full path to xsip_requirements.txt to replace the path in the command above.

Add the path to the XSIP package to the virtual environment.
  • Find the path to the Conda virtual environment folder by using the following command.

    Windows: where python

    Linux & MacOS: which python

    It will show you an output that looks like this on Windows


    or this on Linux

  • Use the part of the path to xsip (e.g. ..\user\miniconda3\envs\xsip) and find the folder site-packages for available Python packages

    On Windows:


    On Linux:

  • Create a file with the file name xsip.pth, where the xsip can be actually anything, .pth is mandatory. The content of the file should be the path to the downloaded XSIP repository. For example,


2.3 Test the installation

Navigate to the XSIP folder in your terminal and enter the following command.


You will see the GUI of the XSIP if the installation is successful.


How to use the program

The near edge imaging function: nei()

nei() is the main function that goes through everything.


import xsip
result = xsip.nei(materials=['Na2SeO4', 'Na2SeO3', 'Se-Meth', 'Water'],
                  multislice=True,  # Whether the imaging data is from a multislice scan
                  slice=0,  # If `multislice==True`, provide the number of slice to analyze (starting from 0)
                  n_proj=900,  # The number of projection images per slice
                  ct=True,  # Whether this is a CT scan. If `True`, `side_width` will be used.
                  side_width=20,  # The number of pixels used on the side.
                  e_range=0,  # The interested energy range for analysis. `0` for all available energies.
                  lowpass=False,  # If `True`, apply a lowpass filter to reduce high frequency noise.
                  save=False,  # Save the result or not (because the returned result is usually large)?
                  Verbose=False)  # If `True` (not suggested for general user), the program generates some figure during the data processing.


  • materials: [name1, name2, ...].Name of each material. eg.: materials = ['Water', 'Bone', 'K2SeO4', 'U' ]
  • path: The main directory containing Flat, Dark, Edge, Tomo, etc..
  • algorithm: The algorithm used to calculate $\rho t$. Options are:
    • 'sKES_equation': Default option. A equation derived with least-square approach is used. Much faster than 'nnls'. [Ref: Ying Zhu,2012 Dissertation]
    • 'nnls': A Non-Negative Linear Regression will be performed with scipy.optimize.nnls.
  • ct: If True, a piece of left and right side of projection image will be used to correct the air absorption from sample to detector.
  • side_width: Used with param "ct". Define the width in pixel for air absorption correction
  • n_proj: The number of projection images for one slice of CT imaging.
  • multislice: If True, meaning the images in the "tomo" folder contain more than one slice of CT. The 'n_proj' and 'slice' needs to be specified.
  • slice: Which slice do we want to do the reconstruction.
  • e_range: The energy range we want to use. Default 0, meaning the "energy_range" in "arrangement.dat" file will be used as the energy range. If not 0, this will overwrite the energy range from "arrangement.dat".
  • lowpass: Use a lowpass filter(gaussian) on the $\mu t$ from experiment. Default is False for now(20180905)
  • use_torch: use Pytorch.tensor instead of numpy.array for matrix operations. Default True.
  • snr: Calculate the signal to noise ratio. Default False.
  • reconstruction: str (default=None). Routine used for CT reconstruction after having the sinograms. Routines available:
    • 'idl'
    • 'skimage': skimage.transform.iradon. An edited version.
  • ct_center: Specify the rotation center for CT reconstruction if needed. Default is 0.
  • fix_vertical_motion: Todo.
  • fix_cross_over: Todo. May be not needed.
  • flat_gamma: Todo. May be not needed.
  • Verbose: If True, some detail will show up when run the program. And some matplotlib plot window might pause the program.


  • beam_parameters:
    • .beam_files
      • .flat
      • .dark
      • .edge
    • .beam
    • .edges
      • .top
      • .bottom
      • .peak
      • .edge
    • .mu_t : -np.log(edge-dark/flat-dark) of the edge_image
    • .pixel_edge_width: gaussian edge width in pixel
    • .e_width: gaussian edge width in energy
    • .edge_slope
    • .peak_slope
    • .exy : the energies at [y,x] locations on the detector.
  • mu_rhos: A dictionary, with keys() is the names of materials, values() is the $\mu/\rho$ for every material at every [y,x] location.
  • mu_t: ndarray [n_projections, n_energies, n_horizontal_position]. $-\ln{[\frac{tomo-dark}{flat-dark}]}$. nan values from any illegal $\ln$ or divisive operation(s) are replaced by 0. Optional corrections for mu_t with following keywords:
  • rts: $\rho\cdot t$ for every material at every horizontal position in every projection (A sinogram ready for CT reconstruction). Dictionary: keys() are the names of the materials, values() are ndarrays [n_projections,n_horizontal_position].
  • snrs: "signal to noise raito". Numpy array, in shape of [n_materials,n_projections,n_horizontal_positions]
  • recons: Reconstruction images. Numpy array, in shape of [n_material,n_horizontal,n_horizontal]
  • mean_rhos: The mean values of $\rho$ in the target area in recon image. Unit: $mg/cm^3$.


Data folder architecture


Spectral K-Edge Subtraction Imaging

The same as 'EDXAS'.

A Graphic User Interface

Built with tkinter and tkinter.ttk.

It has two ttk.Notebook tabs.

  • Tab1 is made for 'spectral KES' or 'Energy Dispersive XAS'. First, setup the parameters. Second, choose directorys (1)containing the data and (2) to save the results. Results is generated from nei(). Saved as .pkl file and images.
  • Tab2 is made for CT reconstruction. The source should be sinogram(s)-like array or image.


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