- Know how to declare variable using var , let and const.
- Understand the different data types in javascript.
- Be able to use the typeof operator to identify the datatype of a variable.
- Understand the concept of variable reassignment and the immutability of const variables.
- Understand the use arithmetic operators to perform basic calculations.
- Use assignment operators to modify variable values.
- Compare values using comparsion operations.
- Combine conditions using logical operators.
- Use the ternary operator for concise conditonal expressions.
- Implement and understand basic if-else control flow.
- Use nested if-else statements to handle multiple conditions.
- Utilize switch case for control flow concise condition checking.
- Apply the ternary operator for concise condition checking.
- Combine mutiple conditions to solve more complex problems.
- Undertsand and use for loops to iterate over a sequence of numbers.
- Utilize while loops for iteration based on a conndition.
- Apply do... while loops to ensure the loop body is executed at least once.
- Implement nested loops to solve more complex problems.
- Use loop control statements (break and continue) to control the flow of loops.
- Understand and define functions using function declaration, expressions, and arrow functions.
- Use function parameters and default value effectively.
- Create and utilize higher-order functions.
- Apply functions to solve common problems and perform calculations.
- Enhance code reusability and organization using functions.
- Create and manipulate arrays by using various methods.
- Transform and aggregate array data using map, filter, and reduce.
- Iterate over arrays using loops and iteration methods.
- Understand and work of multi-dimensional arrays.
- Create and manipulate objects with properties and methods.
- Understand and use the this keyword in object methods.
- Work with nested objects and arrays of objects.
- Iterate over an objects's properties using loops and built-in methods.
- Understand and use templates literals for string interpolation and multi-line strings.
- Apply destructing to extract values from arrays and objects.
- Utlize spread and rest opearators for array manipulation and funcion arguments.
- Define functions with default parameters.
- Create objects using enhanced object literals, including methods and computed property names.
- Select and manipulate DOM elements using Javascript.
- Create and append new elements to the console.
- Remove elements from the DOM.
- Modify attributes and classes of HTML elements.
- Add and handle events to make web pages interactive.
- Add and handle basic events like click, double-click, mouseover, mouseout, keydown, and keyup.
- Understand and handle form events.
- Implement event delegation to manage events on dynamically added elements.
- Make web pages interactive by reponding to various user action.
- Understand and create promises, including handling resolved and rejected states.
- Chain multiple promises to perform sequential asynchronous operations.
- Use async/await to handle asynchronous code more readably.
- Fetch data from public APIs using both promises and async/await.
- Manage mutliple concurrent promises using Promise.all and Promise.race.
- Understand and implement basic error handling using try-catch blocks.
- Use finally blocks to execute code regardless of the try-catch outcome.
- Create and use custom error classes.
- Handle errors in promises using .catch() and within async functions using try-catch.
- Implement graceful error handling when making network requests with the fetch API.
- Create and export functions, objects, and constants using modules.
- Import modules using named and default imports.
- Use third-party modules installed via npm.
- Understand the basics of module bundling (optional).
- Define and use classes with properties and methods.
- Implement inheritance to extend classes.
- Utilize static methods and properties.
- Apply getters and setters for encapsulation.
- Understand and use private fields in classes (optional).
- Understand and create closures in Javascript.
- Use closures to maintain a private state and create encapsulated modules.
- Apply closures in practical scenarios like generating unique IDs and memoization.
- Use closures in loops to capture and use variables correctly.
- Understand and implement basic recursion.
- Apply recursion to solve problems with arrays and strings.
- Use recursion for searching and counting elements in arrays.
- Perform tree traversal and calculate tree depth using recursion (Optional).
- Implement and use Linked List for dynamic data storage.
- Use stacks for LIFO (Last-In-First-Out) operation and reverse data.
- Use queues for LIFO (Last-In-First-Out) operations and stimulate real-world scwenarios.
- Implement binary trees for hierarchical data storage and traversal.
- Implement and understand common sorting algorithms.
- Implement and understand commom searching algorithms.
- Solve string manipulation problems using algorithms.
- Perform array operations using algorithms.
- Understand and create basic regular expressions.
- Use character classes and quantifiers in regular expressions.
- Implement grouping and capturing in regular expressions.
- Apply assertions and boundaries in regular expressions.
- Use regular expressions for practical applications like validating passwords and URLs.
- Understand how to use localStorage and sessionStorage for persistent and session-specific data storage.
- Save, retrieve, and remove data from both localStorage and sessionStorage.
- Implement form data storage using localStorage and sessionStorage.
- Compare and contrast the use cases for localStorage and sessionStorage.
- Solve common LeetCode problems.
- Apply problem-solving skills to implement algorithms.
- Understand and handle edge cases in algorithmic solutions.
- Gain confidence in solving easy-level coding challenges on LeetCode.
- Solve common medium-level LeetCode problems.
- Apply advance problem-solving skills to implement algorithms.
- Understand and handle edge cases in algorithmic solutions.
- Gain confidence in solving medium-level coding challenges on LeetCode.
- Solve complex LeetCode problems.
- Apply advance problem-solving skills to implement efficient algorithms.
- Understand and handle edge cases in hard algorithmic solutions.
- Gain confidence in solving Hard-level coding challenges on LeetCode.
- Set up a basic project structure with HTML and CSS.
- Use the fetch API to retrieve and display weather data from a public API.
- Implement search functionality to fetch weather data for different cities.
- Display a 5-day forecast using data from a public API.
- Enhance the user interactive with icons and animations to make the weather app more interactive and visually appealing.
- Set up a basic project structure with HTML and CSS.
- Use the fetch API to retrieve and display movie data from a public API.
- Implement search functionality to fetch and display movie data based on user input.
- Fetch and display detailed information about selected movies.
- Enhance the user interface with CSS styles and animations to make the movie search app more interactive and visually appealing.
- Set up basic project structure with HTML ans CSS.
- Create a WebSocket server using Node.js and Express.
- Establish a WebSocket connection from the client side to send and receive messages.
- Build a chat interface to display and send messages.
- Add user authentication and display usernames in the chat.
- Enhance the user interface with CSS styles and animations to make the chat application more interactive and visually appealing.
- Set up a basic project structure with HTML and CSS.
- Implement task creation, reading, updating, and deletion functionalities.
- Handle form submission to create new tasks and display them in the task list.
- Update existing tasks and refresh the display with edited task details.
- Delete tasks from the list with a confirmation dialog to prevent accidental deletions.
- Style the task management app to make it visually appealing and user-friendly.
- Set up a basic structure with HTML and CSS.
- Dynamically generate and display a product listing from product data.
- Implement a shopping cart that allows users to add products, update quantities, and remove items.
- Create a checkout form to collect user information and simulate the checkout process.
- Enhance the user interface with CSS styles to make the e-commerce website visually appealing and user-friendly.
- Set up a comprehensive project structure with HTML and CSS.
- Implement user authentication, including registration and login, with input validation.
- Create and update user profiles, displaying user information and allowing updates.
- Handle creating and displaying posts with user-specific details.
- Implement post interactions like liking and commenting, with real-time updates.
- Create a notification system to alert users of new interactions on their posts.