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Reddit Flair Prediction App: An end-to-end machine leanring Project


What are Reddit Flairs?

A flair is a 'tag' that can be appended to threads posted on the reddit website within a sub-reddit. They facilitate the users in understanding the category to which the posts they are scrolling through, belong and thus, help them filter out specific posts based on their inclinations and preferences.

This is a web-app that I constructed that performs the task of predicting which flair should be alloted to a post. As a user, you are just re quired to paste the link of the reddit post in the search bar. Find the webapp here

Automated Testing

The automated testing file can be identified here. You have to upload a .txt file followed by downloading a .json file with the required predictions.

Directory Structure

I have made a flask app which is hosted on Heroku. The structure of the directory can be found here.

  • Notebooks: 1. Collecting 'India' subreddit data.ipynb : Data collection notebook 2. Data Analysis.ipynb: Different Data Analysis Tasks 3. Flair_Prediction.ipynb: Model Development

  • requirements.txt: Containing the requirements need to run this project.

  • : Contains the flask app

  • : Inference Engine that runs the model and returns the predictions.
