- Users can enter a url they want to monitor and receive text alerts when the url goes down or is back online
- sign up and sign in features
- Twilio API to trigger text messages on state change (please create account and get auth token from https://www.twilio.com/ and edit the config.js file accordingly )
- Accepts CRUD requests
- API allows client connection for user CRUD
- Token management and authentication for sign in
- Invalidate token on Sign out
- Signed in user can add URL to checks
- Signed in user can edit delete checks
- keep monitoring the urls every minute and create alerts on state change(i.e. up or down)
1. Users http://localhost:3000/users
GET: Get the users checks and info
* Required Params
1. qString: phone
2. Headers: token
POST: Create a user
* Required Params
'firstName': String,
'lastName': String,
'phone': Number, //must be equal to 10
'password': String,
'tosAgreement': true //true or false only create user if true
PUT: Change the user's first name or last name or password
* Required Params
1. Headers: token id
2. Body:
'firstName': String, // optional
'lastName': String, // optional
'phone': Number, // Required
'password': String, // Password to be changed
DELETE: Delete the user
* Required Params
1. qString: phone
2. Headers: token
2. Tokens http://localhost:3000/tokens
GET: Get the token and it's associated account, and it's expiry
* Required Params
1. qString: token id
POST: Create a token for a user
* Required Params
'phone': Number, //must be equal to 10
'password': String,
PUT: Extend the token expiry by a predefined time
* Required Params
1. Body:
'tokenId': String, // optional
'extends': true, // optional
DELETE: Delete the Toke
* Required Params
1. qString: tokenId
3. Checks http://localhost:3000/checks
GET: Get the check info
* Required Params
1. Headers: token id
2. qString: check id
POST: Create a check for a user
* Required Params
1. Headers: Token id
2. Body:
'id': checkID,
'userPhone': userPhone,
'protocol': protocol,
'url': url,
'method': method,
'successCodes': successCodes,
'timeOutSeconds': timeOutSeconds
PUT: Modify the check attributes
* Required Params
1. Headers: Token id
2. Body:
'id': checkID, // Required
'protocol': protocol, // optional
'url': url, //optional
'method': method, //optional
'successCodes': successCodes, //optional
'timeOutSeconds': timeOutSeconds //optional
DELETE: Delete the Check
* Required Params
1. qString: Check id
2. Headers: Token id