Organizely - Task Manageent Web Application (A Kanban Project).
$ git clone
$ cd task-mgnt-app
$ npm install
$ npm start
- Task Board Layout: A task board layout with four columns representing the stages: Ready, In Progress, Testing, and Done.
- Drag-and-Drop: The ability to drag and drop tasks from one group to another. Tasks are visually draggable and snap into the appropriate stage when dropped.
- Task Cards: A task card within its respective group. The task card displays the task's name, assignee, priority, and any other relevant information.
- Task Metrics: Visual metrics for each group, showing the total number of tasks in that stage, along with the breakdown of tasks based on their priorities (Urgent, High, Medium, Low).
- Add new task, Update task and delete task functionalities
- Search functionality, which will search by task name from any group (Ready/In progress/Testing/Done)
- Filters like filter by Start/End dates, filter by assignee, filter by severity of the task
- Unique badges to each task based on severity (High/Medium/Low)
- Light and dark mode
- React JS
- React Context API + useReducer
- React Router v6
- Tailwind CSS
- React-dnd
- Chart.js
- React Icons
- ExpressJS + MongoDB for backend