A process for integrat payumoney payment gateway in cordova android application
- Install Inappbrowser plugin in your cordova project Run following command in your project
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
Visit cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
Include payumoneyPaymentGateway.js in your project
<script src="js/payumoneyPaymentGateway.js"></script>
Call the following function after click on payment button
Here surl handle success payumoney payment response on server as usual we provide in web integration like http://www.abc.com/payumoneysuccessresponse and furl http:/www.abc.com/payumoneyfailureresponse
function exitCallback() {
//Handle your response
//first check your payment status from database using your transection id
//if payment success than remove txnid from local storage and nevigate to your customer order page otherwise nevigate to your cart list page and try to start payment again