The backend of online trip management where the admin can log in to the system and can manage the features of the website. And the customer can also log in and perform activities such as view routes, hotels, and packages and can also book, cancel and print ticket details and provide feedback too.
- Login/Logout using Session Id
- User Management
- Route and Bus Booking Management
- All fundamental CRUD operation.
- Hotel and Package Booking Management
- All fundamental CRUD operation.
- View Reports
- Login as Customer
- create Booking
- View and Book Packages,Bus and hotels.
- Wallet Payment
- PaymentDetails.
- Feedback
Client: Java, SpringBoot, Spring Data JPA
Testing: Postman
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project resources
- src/main/resources and change the MySQL credentials.
Run the main file
- src/main/java/com/tj/
Start the server
- Project management done by Prayag Patel.
- Login, controller class management and overall bug fixes done by Prayag Patel.
- Admin, User and Customers related files and exceptions done by Ranjeet Kumar.
- Booking and Package related files and exceptions done by Rajan Chauhan.
- Feedback, Report and Hotel related files and exceptions done by Abhishek Das.
- Bus, Route and Travel related files and exceptions done by Gautam Kumar.
- done by Rajan Chauhan.