A Node API (and a CLI) for Live notification on NIFTY, SENSEX, NASDAQ, DOWJONES Indices.
npm install -g stock-alert
- Command Line Interface
stock-alert <command>
$ stock-alert desktop # for desktop notification for nifty
$ stock-alert dow # for DOWJONES
$ stock-alert nasdaq # for NASDAQ
$ stock-alert sensex # for SENSEX
$ stock-alert nifty # for NIFTY
$ stock-alert # default will give results on cli for exchanges
$ stock-alert help # show this help msg
const stockAlert = require("stock-alert)
Available exchanges : NIFTY, SENSEX, DOWJONES, NASDAQ
stockAlert("NIFTY).then(resp => {
HIGH: '8575.45',
decl: 42,
ty: '5',
'1mthCh': '-3523.700',
HN: null,
cl1wDt: '2020-03-13',
cl5yDt: '2015-03-19',
YTD: -32.09118663428785,
cl5yPerChange: '-4.3000',
cl1yPerChange: '-28.3500',
cl3yVal: '9126.85',
'1yr': '-26.100',
cl3mVal: '12262.75',
'3yr': '-7.200',
- You can create a cronjob like this:
$ which stock-alert # it will give path of the executable file
$ crontab -e # command for opening crontab config
# m h dom mon dow commmand
*/30 10-15 * * 1-5 /path/to/stock-alert nifty desktop
# run in every thirty mintute b/w 10am to 3pm from monday to friday