install neovim for linux go here: linux install instructions
install packer
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim\
- clone repo to
mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim
git clone git@github.com:prescottbreeden/lua-nvim.git ~/.config/nvim
- open neovim and install packages
nvim ~/.config/nvim/lua/package.lua
once the file is open, close all errors and then run :so
to source
the code and save the file :w
to auto install plugins
- start growing a bigger neck beard
Slimmed down considerably from previous CoC config. Always a WIP.
Leader key: <spacebar>
mode | description | command |
normal | nav to window | <C-{h,j,k,l}> |
normal | resize window | <C-{left, right, up, down}> |
normal | normalize windows | <C-w><C-w> |
normal | clear search highlight | <C-n> |
normal | navigate buffers | <S-l> /<S-h> |
visual | move line up/down | J /K |
insert | alternate esc | jk |
mode | description | command |
normal | goto definition | gd |
normal | goto references | gr |
normal | trigger hover | K |
normal | quickfix | <leader>qf |
normal | rename | <leader>rn |
normal | toggle AST | <leader>ast |
insert | suggest options | <C-space> |
insert | next/prev option | <C-n> /<C-p> |
insert | confirm option | <C-y> |
insert | signature help | <C-h> |
mode | description | command |
normal | open diagnostics | <leader>xx |
Harpoon menu can also be manually manipulated like any buffer
description | command |
show/edit list | <C-e> |
add | <leader>a |
select | <leader>{1,2,3,4} |
description | command |
search files under git control | <leader>fp |
search all file names | <leader>ff |
search all buffers | <leader>fb |
search all keymaps | <leader>fk |
live grep all files | <leader>fg |
dual grep all files | <leader>gg |
fuzzy find current buffer | <leader>/ |
close buffer in buffer search | <C-x> |
description | command |
toggle tree | <leader>ee |
goto current | <leader>ef |
description | command |
open undotree | <leader>u |
mode | description | command |
normal/visual | format file/selected | :Prettier |
mode | description | command |
normal | focus only on current buffer | <leader>zz |
DAP (debugger) is not configured, but dap.lua has a default config file if that is of interest to you