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Matúš Žilinec edited this page Jun 24, 2018 · 41 revisions

Golem is a python framework for creating stateful chatbots.

Its main advantages are that it defines a concrete structure of the conversation and keeps track of the conversation history.

Warning: The documentation is for the Golem version 2, which is currently not on the master branch. You can find the old docs here.


First, install Golem from PyPI. Then, you can use the Golm init script to generate a skeleton chatbot and start it.

pip3 install django-golem        # installs Golem framework
golm init my_bot                 # creates a project in my_bot/
cd my_bot && golm start my_bot   # starts the bot

The web chat app should now be running at localhost.

You can also check out our example project.