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Polymorphic development platform. To start read guide.

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Why use Primate?

Framework Independence

Primate stands apart as a framework-agnostic tool, allowing you to seamlessly integrate and start coding within any major framework, eliminating the constraints of being tied to specific options like Nuxt, Next, or others.

Frameworks We Support

  • Svelte
  • React
  • Solid
  • Vue
  • Angular
  • Web Components
  • HTMX
  • Handlebars
  • Marko

Databases We Support

  • SQLite
  • MongoDB
  • Postgresql
  • MySQL
  • SurrealDB

Languages We Support

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Golang
  • Python
  • Ruby


Package Description
primate Primate framework
create-primate GUI for creating Primate apps
@primate/frontend Frontend frameworks
@primate/store Data store
@primate/types Runtime types
@primate/session User sessions
@primate/i18n Internationalization
@primate/binding Other backend languages
website Primate website

Comparison with other frameworks

Feature Next Nuxt SvelteKit Primate
Backend JS, TS JS, TS JS, TS JS, TS, Go, Python, Ruby
Frontend React Vue Svelte React, Vue, Svelte, Solid, Angular, HTMX, Handlebars, WC
Native runtime Node Node Node Node, Deno, Bun
I18N @primate/i18n
Head Component React, Svelte, Solid
Route guards
Recursive layouts
Data stores/ORM SQLite, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SurrealDb
Server-sent events
User sessions @primate/session


Example Applications




By contributing to Primate, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under its MIT license.

Clone alongside your Primate directory and switch to the dev branch. This branch uses symbolic links to Primate and its modules. In the case of some modules (@primate/frontend, @primate/i18n, @primate/binding), symbolic links lead to errors and the modules need to be copied in verbatim. Use the script to do so.