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PrimerKlarnaSDK is is a wrapper of the KlarnaMobileSDK that exposes its functionality source. It can be used within the PrimerSDK as a separate module. Our goal is to provide binary universal framework as Swift Package and Cocoapod for further integraton into main Primer SDK.

This repository consists of

  • Framework:
    • PrimerKlarnaSDK Xcode project. This project contains implementation of wrapper around KlarnaMobileSDK and creates framework.
  • Scripts:
    • - does some preparations related to removing previous xcframework
    • - does archivation of framework project for both iOS and Simulators
    • - does creation of xcframework using archives from previous step
    • - removes archives, removes previous zip with xcframeworks and creates new one
    • - calls all previously described scripts in correct order
  • KlarnaMobileSDK.xcframework - binary universal framework for KlarnaMobileSDK
  • PrimerKlarnaSDK.xcframework - binary universal framework for PrimerKlarnaSDK
  • - archive with xcframeworks (required for CocoaPod integration)

The framework consists of

The framework contains implementation of wrapper classes and protocols for KlarnaMobileSDK, which is integrated inside it as a universal framework (xcframework).


If any error is occurring during payment process you will get it as an object of PrimerKlarnaError. It implements PrimerKlarnaErrorProtocol and contains following properties:

public protocol PrimerKlarnaErrorProtocol: CustomNSError, LocalizedError {
    var errorId: String { get }
    var exposedError: Error { get }
    var info: [String: String]? { get }
    var diagnosticsId: String { get }

Using the information it is possible to get more details about exact error, which occured and handle it in specific way.


The framework contains already predefined PrimerKlarnaViewController, which contains continue button for controling payment process and KlarnaPaymentView, which is UI component provided by Klarna and available as a part of KlarnaMobileSDK. It is responsible for representation of different stages, which user need to pass through during payment process.

In order to initialize object of PrimerKlarnaViewController you need to do next:

let viewController = PrimerKlarnaViewController(
    delegate: self,
    paymentCategory: .payNow,
    clientToken: "CLIENT_TOKEN",
    urlScheme: "URL_SCHEME"

As a mechanism for getting callbacks from PrimerKlarnaViewController you can use PrimerKlarnaViewControllerDelegate, which contains:

  1. func primerKlarnaViewDidLoad() - called when KlarnaPaymentView is loaded and available for user for further interactions.

  2. func primerKlarnaPaymentSessionCompleted(authorizationToken: String?, error: PrimerKlarnaError?) - called when payment session completed either with error or successfully.

Next parameter, which should be passed is paymentCategory. It should be case from the following enum:

public enum KlarnaPaymentCategory: String {
    case payNow = "pay_now"
    case payLater = "pay_later"
    case payOverTime = "pay_over_time"

After this you need to pass client token, which is a token for Klarna payment session and can be retrieved from Primer back-end.

The last parameter, is urlScheme and it is optional. It should be your apps custom URL scheme CFBundleURLSchemes, which is required to return from external applications.


Another option for integration of Klarna payments, which is available within the framework, is PrimerKlarnaProvider. This approach should be used if you want to get full control over user interface and user experience during Klarna payment process and handle it inside your app.

PrimerKlarnaProvider implement PrimerKlarnaProviding protocol, which contains following functions and properties:

public protocol PrimerKlarnaProviding: AnyObject {
    // MARK: - Properties
    Can be used for getting access to KlarnaPaymentView for representation it inside the app
    var paymentView: KlarnaPaymentView? { get }
    // MARK: - Funcs
    Create KlarnaPaymentView using predefined payment category and setting up Klarna payment events listener
    func createPaymentView()
    Initializes payment view using client token and url schema if it is available
    func initializePaymentView()
    Gives ability to load payment review UI inside KlarnaPaymentView if it is required
    func loadPaymentReview()
    Loads payment view (json data can be added if it is required)
    func loadPaymentView(jsonData: String?)
    Removes payment view from superview and deinitializes it
    func removePaymentView()
    Authorizes payment session and gives ability to enable automatic finalization for payment
    func authorize(autoFinalize: Bool, jsonData: String?)
    Gives ability to reauthorize payment session if it is required
    func reauthorize(jsonData: String?)
    FInalizes payment session if it was not setup as the session to be automatically finalized on authorization stage
    func finalise(jsonData: String?)

In order to create instance of PrimerKlarnaProvider you need to add following code:

let provider: PrimerKlarnaProviding = PrimerKlarnaProvider(
    clientToken: "CLIENT_TOKEN",
    paymentCategory: "PAYMENT_CATEGORY",
    urlScheme: "URL_SCHEME",
    delegate: self

Here client token should be fetched from Primer server along with list of payments categories. After user selects appropriate category you can create instance of PrimerKlarnaProvider as an object of PrimerKlarnaProviding protocol. URL schema is optional.

In order to get callbacks from payment session you need to implement PrimerKlarnaProviderDelegate, which contains following functions:

  1. func primerKlarnaWrapperInitialized() - called when KlarnaPaymentView is initialized

  2. func primerKlarnaWrapperResized(to newHeight: CGFloat) - called whenever KlarnaPaymentView changes its size and can be used for layout upates

  3. func primerKlarnaWrapperLoaded() - called whenever KlarnaPaymentView is loaded

  4. func primerKlarnaWrapperReviewLoaded() - called whenever KlarnaPaymentView loaded in review state

  5. func primerKlarnaWrapperAuthorized(approved: Bool, authToken: String?, finalizeRequired: Bool) - called whenever payment session is authorized

  6. func primerKlarnaWrapperReauthorized(approved: Bool, authToken: String?) - called whenever payment session is reauthorized

  7. func primerKlarnaWrapperFinalized(approved: Bool, authToken: String?) - called whenever payment session is finalized

  8. func primerKlarnaWrapperFailed(with error: PrimerKlarnaError) - calledif any error occurs during payment process

How to build new version of PrimerKlarnaSDK


  1. Open Xcode project Framework/PrimerKlarnaSDK.xcodeproj

  2. If you need update dependencies and/or make changes in source code

  3. Make new universal framework (xcframework). Run terminal and execute script:

cd Scripts

As a result PrimerKlarnaSDK.xcframework will be built and placed in root folder. Also, the script will produce new, which is required for CocoaPod.



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate Alamofire into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'PrimerKlarnaSDK'

Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler.

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding Alamofire as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.4"))


Platform Minimum Swift Version
iOS 14.0+ 5.5
