Api for prnstscrn client to interact with along with the admin/public website Ruby version: 2.6.X Rails version: 5.2.3
- There are two built in methods that allow you to authenticate a user before endpoint execution with either admin level privileges or user level privileges
- if you call auth_user before your endpoint both admin and regular users will have access
- if you call auth_admin before your endpoint only admin users will have access
- Response Errors
- Returns a status code of 400 if you are missing the auth token in your header
- Returns a status code of 401 if any part of the authentication process didn't work
- Success
- Executes endpoint, see that endpoints description for errors
- Response Errors
POST /login
- Params: json string with keys username and password
{ "username": "test", "password": "test-password" }
- Errors
- Returns a status code of 400 if you have missing parameters
- Returns a status code of 401 if you passed an invalid pair of credentials
- Success
- Returns a status code of 200 and a json string with an authentication token
{ "token": "**token**" }
- Returns a status code of 200 and a json string with an authentication token
- Params: json string with keys username and password
GET /user
- User must pass a valid Admin Authorization token in request header
- Errors
- Handled by authentication
- Success
- Returns a json array of json strings containing users id, username and is_admin boolean
POST /user
- User must pass a valid Admin Authorization token in request header
- Params: json string with keys username and password
{ "username": "test", "password": "test-password" }
- Errors
- Returns a status code of 400 if you have missing parameters
- Returns a status code of 401 if the username you passed is already a registered user
- Success
- Returns a status code of 200 a json string saying the user has been created, if you want an authentication token you must call /login
DELETE /user/:id
- User must pass a valid Admin Authorization token in request header
- Errors
- Returns a status code of 400 if the user couldn't be deleted due to the id doesn't exist
- Success
- Json string saying user was deleted
GET /auth_test
- User must pass a valid Admin/User Authorization token in request header
- If valid will return a json string saying Authorized
- Else will return a json string saying unauthorized
GET /admin_test
- User must pass a valid Admin Authorization token in request header
- If valid will return a json string saying Authorized
- Else will return a json string saying unauthorized
GET /image
- User must pass a valid Admin Authorization token in request header
- Errors
- All errors are handled by authentication methods
- Success
- Returns a json array of all images entries that exist, each sub json string contains one key, id
GET /image/:id
- Public endpoint
- Errors
- Returns a status code of 400 if the id doesn't exist in the database
- Success
- Renders a image to the browser
POST /image
- User must pass a valid User/Admin Authorization token in request header
- Requires form data with the key file and the value must be an image file
curl -H "Authorization: $TOKEN" -F "file=@meme.jpg" localhost:3000/image
- Errors
- All errors are handled by authentication methods
- Success
- Returns a json string with key url, which is a link to the image
DELETE /image/:id
- User must pass a valid Admin Authorization token in request header
- Errors
- Returns a status code of 400 if the id doesn't exist in the database
- Success
- Returns a json string saying the image was deleted
GET /executable
- Public
- Error
- None
- Success
- Returns a json array of all executables entries that exist, each sub json string contains one url and one version
GET /executable/:version
- Public
- Errors
- Returns a status code of 400 if the version doesn't exist in the database
- Success
- Downloads the file
POST /executable
- User must pass a valid Admin Authorization token in request header
- Requires form data with the key jar and the value must be file, also must pass a key version with the version number
- Errors
- Authentication is handled by the application controller
- Returns 400 if the version exists
- Success
- Returns a json string with the success status
DELETE /executable/:version
- User must pass a valid Admin Authorization token in request header
- Errors
- Returns a status code of 400 if the version doesn't exist in the database
- Success
- Returns a json string saying the image was deleted