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projectopenvcik edited this page Aug 23, 2015 · 6 revisions

OpenVCIK - An Open-source Voice Command Interface Kit.

The OpenVCIK is an open-source platform for developing voice based control applications such as wheelchair control, mobile robot control, and home automation.

The OpenVCIK lets you "provide ears to your devices"...

It is a complete opensource suit. It is made up of inexpensive and open-source COTS (commercially available off-the-shelf) hardware and open-source software. The suit also comprises of an open, custom built, and light-weight software framework - OpenVCIK Framework. The framework provides required data structures such as timestamp, sensor data queues, and sensor data types, and a several base mechanisms such as speech recognition, text-to-speech and senor data acquisition; For details see Understanding the framework.

The Kit also comes with a well documented C++ library - openVCIKServices to quickly and easily develop voice based control applications on top of the framework. For details see the Documetations and API Docs section of the Wiki.

Contents of this wiki

The Kit
  • Hardware setup
  • Software setup
Getting started
  • Understanding the Framework
  • Some specific Types
  • Sensor data and command formats
  • Your first OpenVCIK application
  • How to write more sophisticated OpenVCIK applications
  • Some use cases
API Docs
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