Basic network parser leveraging Rust and nom for safe and efficient packet parsing. Design influenced by pktparse-rs.
Add net-parser-rs to your dependencies
extern crate net_parser_rs;
use net_parser_rs::CaptureParser;
use std::*;
//Parse a file with global header and packet records
let file_bytes = include_bytes!("capture.pcap");
let records = CaptureParser::parse_file(file_bytes).expect("Could not parse");
//Parse a sequence of one or more packet records
let records = CaptureParser::parse_records(record_bytes).expect("Could not parse");
//Parse a single packet
let packet = CaptureParser::parse_record(packet_bytes).expect("Could not parse");
//Convert a packet into flow information
use net_parser_rs::flow::*;
let flow = packet.extract_flow().expect("Could not extract flow");