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SVG Loader Vanilla ES6 - A npm lib to create a customizable SVG loader with Vanilla ES6


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A class to create customizable SVG loader with Vanilla ES6.

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# Yarn
yarn add --exact svg-loader-es6

npm install --save --save-exact svg-loader-es6


Somewhere in your document:

<div id="your-container-id" />

Then in your javascript :

  • Import:
import { SVGLoader } from 'svg-loader-es6';
  • Instantiate:
new SVGLoader( {
  containerId: 'your-container-id'
} )


The constructor can accept more keys in the object as parameters.

Option Type Default Description
containerId String "loader-container" Required - The id of the element that will contain the SVG element
svgId String "loader" The id given to the created SVG element
nbRects int 3 Number of rectangle shapes in the SVG
margin int 2 Margin between the shapes (in px)
fill String (Hex, RGB, RGBA) "#000000" Color of the shapes in the SVG
size int 15 Height and width of each shape (rectangle) of the SVG (in px)
radius int 2 Value of the border radius of each rectangle shape of the SVG (in px)
minOpacity Number 0.25 Opacity to give to each shapes at the begin of the animation
maxOpacity Number 0.75 Opacity to give to each shapes at the end of the animation
duration int 1000 Duration of the animation of each shape from minOpacity to maxOpacity (in ms)

Properties of an instance

Property Type Description
settings Object The current options of the SVGLoader instance (read-only)
defaultOptions Object The default options for settings if there's no settings given to the constructor. This is a static method, so call it as follows: SVGLoader.defaultProperties


Property Parameters Default Description
toggle - - Hide or show the SVG Element
show - - Show the SVG Element
hide - - Hide the SVG Element
destroy - - Remove the SVG element from DOM and delete all properties or listeners


Live Demo Examples

Settings generator gif


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