- Create easy to use interface to validate new PinC upload.
- Create playground for PinC-Python enthousiasts
Jupyter notebook or Jupyter-lab
Place PinC upload (Excel!!!) file 'foo.xlsx' in folder 'upload_pinc'
Open Check_PinC_Upload.ipynb
A. Under 'Parameters/inputs/imports': 1. 'Parameters': 'all_pinc_periods = True' (all periods for the indicators available in PinC) or all_pinc_periods = False (same periods as the ones available in foo.xlsx --> based on parsing avaible periods for first indicator) 2. 'PinC upload file': filename = 'foo.xlsx' 3. 'Import PinC upload file for validation': set 'sheet_name' by index (int) of by name (str) B. Click **'Run'-'Run all cells'** or **'Run' - 'Restart Kernel and Run All Cells...'** C. Intereactive Check Framework 1. Interactive plot 2. Interactive overall outlier analysis 3. Univariate outlier analysis,
- Can be found and set in 'settings.py'
- PinC Github levels are placed in 'pinc_github_dir'
- Use 'Create_dicts.ipynb' to create local dictionaries {geo_level_code: geo_level} (e.g. {11001: "Aartselaar", 11002: "Antwerpen", 11004: "Boechout" ,11005: "Boom", ...}) in 'json_config_dir'.
- Levels currently available: 'statsec', 'gemeente', 'gemeente2018', 'arrondiss2018', 'provincie' and 'gewest'
- Note: when adding new geolevels, use PinC geolevel names for creation of geolevel '.json' files: 'pinc_geolevel_name.json'.
- The code runs for only 1 geolevel at the time. Ideally there is one upload file per geolevel. In addition, it is possible to have all geolevels included in one upload (Excel file), in such a way that there is one sheet per geolevel. In the latter instance one can iterate over the sheets in the Excel file (by changing the default 'sheet_name=0' to the appropriate index).
- conda env create -f environment.yml
- conda activate swing_data_val_env
- conda deactivate
- conda remove --name swing_data_val_env --all --yes
- Simplify code in notebook (reduce number of lines!)
- Labels in interactive draw_figure() need to be improved
- draw_figure() as part of misc.py?
- When loading non consecutive years (e.g. 2013 en 2016), then too many years are shown in the dropdown under outlier analysis.
- Plots: create an overlay (e.g. line with tickers and line without, ...), or automate distance between lines.
- automatic comparison with higher level (e.g. aggregating values for all municipalities in a province)
- Write more elegant solution for division by zero (resulting in 'inf') issue
- Automatic test to see if all values for a given geolevel are included in the PinC upload file
- Lange tijdsreeksen volledig opvragen
- Add stadincijfers as pip installation