🔭 I’m currently working on:
- studying seals from space for my PhD.
🌱 I’m currently learning:
- how to automate and version control non-traditional data science datasets (eg GIS datasets).
💬 Ask me about:
- seals, remote sensing, cold places, EDI, immersive technology.
⚡ Fun fact:
- seals have a sense of rhythm and can vocalise in ultrasonic frequencies 🦭.
🌃 Collaborator / Partners:
- I'm a part of the British Antarctic Survey 🗻, the University of Cambridge's Scott Polar Research Institute 📖, the World Wildlife Fund 🐼, the Alan Turing Institute 🧠 and National Geographic 🌍. I collaborate with fun institutes through my PhD and the grassroots organisation Polar Impact. This includes: University of Oxford 🖋, Royal Museums Greenwich 🏛, Digital Catapult 💽 and the BBC 🎥.