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GROMACS benchmark tool

This tool aims at evaluating performance of the GROMACS molecular simulation engine ( In the short term, this is mostly thought to be a help for code development, in assessing how changes to the code influence its performance. In the longer term, this tool could evolve to also allow the evaluation of hardware and parallelization schemes based on more complex, possibly user-submitted systems.



Development version

The latest version is available on github. It can be installed directly using pip

pip install git+

Alternatively, the source code can also be downloaded from github and then installed using the provided setup file,

python3 install


Prepare scripts

gmxbenchmark-prepare allows users to prepare equilibration, run, and analysis scripts according to their needs. It is run directly from the command line.

Command-line help

$ gmxbenchmark-prepare -h
usage: gmxbenchmark-prepare [-h] [--gmx exe [exe ...]]
                            [--gmxname name [name ...]] [--system_name system]
                            [--nreps N] [--multiply m] [--nsystemsizes N]
                            [--mdp input.mdp] [--run_args "\--gmx_arg X"]
                            [--eq_args "\--gmx_arg X"]
                            [--mdrun_args "\--gmx_arg X"]

Create scripts to run and analyze benchmarks for GROMACS

positional arguments:
  dir                   Directory to setup up the simulation files in.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --gmx exe [exe ...]   Give one or more GROMACS executables to run the benchmarking on.
                        If argument is not used, trying to use 'gmx' (which needs to be in the PATH).
  --gmxname name [name ...]
                        Name the gmx executables defined with `--gmx`, used for output only.
                        If argument is not used, executables will simply be numbered.
                        If argument is used, length must be equal to number of gmx executables.
  --system_name system  The name of the system. Default: h2o_settle
  --nreps N             The number of times the benchmarking runs are repeated, with the timings being
                        averaged over all repetitions. Default: 5.
  --multiply m          If set, use `gmx solvate` to increase base system size to `m` times
                        the original box side length. Use `--nsystemsizes` to define
                        intermediate steps. Default: off.
  --nsystemsizes N      If `--multipy` is set, define how many systems are simulated.
                        Default: 2 (only original and maximum box size).
  --mdp input.mdp       Give an mdp file allowing to set additional GROMACS options.
  --run_args "\-gmx_arg X"
                        Every use of --run_args will prompt an independent benchmarking run of `gmx mdrun`
                        with the given arguments. Note: Prepend a '\'.
                        Example: `--run_args "\-nt 4 -ntomp 4" --run_args "\-nt 4 -ntmpi 4"`
                                 will start two runs, one with 4 OMP, the other with 4 MPI threads.
  --eq_args "\-gmx_arg X"
                        Arguments used for equilibration runs of `gmx mdrun`. Note: Prepend a '\'.
  --mdrun_args "\-gmx_arg X"
                        Arguments used for every benchmarking run of `gmx mdrun`. Note: Prepend a '\'.

full example:
  python3 gmxbenchmark-prepare ../runs/ --gmx ~/original/bin/gmx ~/modified/bin/gmx \
      --gmxname original modified --multiply 3 --nsystemsizes 9 \
      --run_args "\-nt 1" --run_args "\-nt 4 -ntomp 4" --run_args "\-nt 4 -ntmpi 4" \
      --mdrun_args "\-pin on" --eq_args "\-nt 0"

  This compares two binaries, "original" and "modified", by increasing the box size of the h2o_settle
  system up to 3-fold, in 9 steps. The equilibration is run on all available threads (-nt 0).
  The benchmarking simulations are repeated with three sets of arguments, running the simulation on
  1 thread (-nt 1), 4 OMP threads (-nt 4 -ntomp 4) threads, and 4 MPI threads (-nt 4 -ntmpi 4),
  respectively. All of these use pinning.


Run directory, executables and system name: The only positional argument is the run directory, a directory to which run input files (parameter, topology, starting structures) and run scripts are written to. Typical usage of the benchmarking suite will consist of performance comparison of two or more GROMACS executables. The executables used in this comparison can be specified using the --gmx flag. For reporting purposes, the executables are named. The (unique) names can be chosen with the --gmxname argument. If no names are chosen, the executables are named EXE_1, EXE_2, etc. The system to be simulated is chosen using the --system_name argument. See Systems for a list of available systems.

A simple call to gmxbenchmark-prepare to set up simulations comparing the original GROMACS binary to a modified version using a simple water system (using settle to constrain bonds) could hence look like

gmxbenchmark-prepare my/simuldir \
    --gmx ~/original/bin/gmx ~/modified/bin/gmx \
    --gmxname original modified \
    --system_name h2o_settle

Repetitions: The --nreps argument allows to set how often the benchmarking is repeated. Repeating the benchmarking is encouraged to produce more reliable results. If --nreps is not explicitly set, the benchmarking is repeated five times.

Additional mdp options: To test specific setups, it might be useful to define (or overwrite) specific parameters of the GROMACS input file. Options can be given via a mdp file and the --mdp argument. Parameters found in this file are added to the standard settings defined in the input files. If options are found in both files, the options found via user-input are prioritized.

Multiple system sizes: To test performance at different system sizes in a systematic way, gmxbenchmark-prepare allows to defined the --multiply m argument. This takes the box size of the chosen system, and creates a system whose box edges are m times the original size. --nsystemsizs allows to define the number of systems created. The standard is 2 - the original system size and the multiplied box. Choosing a higher number creates intermediate system sizes. The boxes generated in that way are filled using gmx solvate. This has only been tested with systems consisting of a single type of molecules. Note that creating systems in this way requires an equilibration step (see Equilibration below), while non-mulitplied systems are assumed to be equilibrated and ready for benchmarking.


gmxbenchmark-prepare my/simuldir \
    --gmx ~/original/bin/gmx ~/modified/bin/gmx \
    --gmxname original modified \
    --system_name h2o_settle \
    --multiply 3 --nsystemsizes 9

This would use the original h2o_settle system (whose box size is 2.2nm x 2.2nm x 2.2nm) to create nine systems of box sizes ranging from (2.2nm)^3 to (6.6nm)^3. The box lengths of the systems are equidistant, i.e. 2.2nm, 2.75nm, 3.3nm, 3.85nm, 4.4nm, 4.95nm, 5.5nm, 5.05nm, 6.6nm. The number of atoms in the system would range from 1044 (original size) to 28188.

Run arguments: There are three types of arguments which can be added to the gmx mdrun commands used. --eq_args are used for equilibration runs only. --mdrun_args are used for all gmx mdrun calls used during benchmarking. Most importantly, --run_args, which can be used repeatedly, define different benchmarking settings. This allows to compare the executables in a range of different setups. For example,

gmxbenchmark-prepare my/simuldir \
    --gmx ~/original/bin/gmx ~/modified/bin/gmx \
    --gmxname original modified \
    --system_name h2o_settle \
    --multiply 3 --nsystemsizes 9 \
    --run_args "\-nt 1" --run_args "\-nt 4 -ntomp 4" --run_args "\-nt 4 -ntmpi 4 -dlb yes" \
    --mdrun_args "\-pin on" --eq_args "\-nt 0"

will repeat the benchmarking simulations defined earlier with three different sets of gmx mdrun, running on a single thread, on 4 OpenMP threads, and on 4 MPI threads. All of them will use pinning. The equilibrations, on the other hand, will run on all avaiable resources.


Having repetitions of the same benchmarking (same executable, same run arguments, same system size) differ in whether dynamic load balancing is performed or not is currently not handled by the analysis script. It is therefore advised to explicitly turn load balancing on or off (when applicable).

Run scripts

gmxbenchmark-prepare writes four scripts to the selected directory,,,, and These scripts are described below.


Equilibration is only performed if the --multiply option was chosen, as other systems are expected to be equilibrated. doesn't take any arguments, and will first create systems of different sizes (using gmx solvate) and minimize them, before running a longer equilibration run. The results of these equilibration runs are found in the eq/ folder. The equilibration is only run with one executable (the first one given in the --gmx arguments). It does hence not need to be rerun if new executables are added (see Add executables below), or if the benchmarking is rerun after code changes.

Benchmarking run

To benchmark the executables, the systems chosen are run repeatedly with all executables to gather data for later analysis. allows to specify which executable to run (all or one or more executables by their names defined through --gmxname). Running executables separately allows, for example, to re-run only a specific executable after recompiling it, or run only a newly added executable (see Add executables below). Use -h

to see all options.

Add executables

To add an executable later on, one can run gmxbenchmark-prepare again with the same arguments as the first time, only adding the additional executable (and, if names were chosen, an additional name). simplifies this process by only taking an executable and a name as input and rerunning gmxbenchmark-prepare with the previously chosen arguments. Note that since the equilibration, if needed, is only run with one executable, it doesn't need to be rerun upon addition of an executable. Also note that allows to run specific executables only, so it also isn't necessary to rerun benchmarking for all executables.


gmxbenchmark-analyze reads the timing reported in the log files of runs prepared by gmxbenchmark-prepare, and reports the mean and standard deviations in an html file named analysis.html. gmxbenchmark-analyze requires some arguments mirroring the ones used for gmxbenchmark-prepare to be able to retrieve the results. simplifies this by providing a simple script with no input arguments needed.


The following systems are currently available:


(This is the default system)

Pure water box, 348 molecules, 1044 atoms, box size 2.2nm x 2.2nm x 2.2nm. The topology prescribes constraints using settle. Uses reaction field with epsilon-rf = 0. The equilibration script uses thermostatting, while the benchmarking simulation is run in NVE. Note: Changing the ensemble sampled can easily be done using the --mdp option of gmxbenchmark-prepare.


Pure water box, 348 molecules, 1044 atoms, box size 2.2nm x 2.2nm x 2.2nm. The topology prescribes no constraints. Uses reaction field with epsilon-rf = 0. The equilibration script uses thermostatting, while the benchmarking simulation is run in NVE. Note: Changing the ensemble sampled can easily be done using the --mdp option of gmxbenchmark-prepare.

Contributing new systems

New systems should come with an equilibrated starting structure, a topology file, a mdp-parameter file for the benchmarking run, and a short description. If the system is suitable to be run at different sizes using the --multiply option, mdp-parameter files for minimization and equilibration should be added.


Running the analysis script will create analysis.html which can be opened using any browser. An example of such a result file con be found here. The file consists of a few different sections, namely

  • Key: Describes the executable, the benchmarking run arguments, and the system sizes used, and assigns each a key used in the remainder of the file. In case of the example, two builds of the same GROMACS version are compared. They were compared in three different run scenarios, namely on a single thread (arg1), on 4 OpenMP threads (arg2), and on 4 MPI threads (arg3), and using 9 different system sizes.
  • Plot: Next, the core time normalized by the total number of atoms is plotted. A click on the plot allows to view a larger version of the figure.
  • Core times: The data plotted in the figure above are given in numbers. A click on the blue ⓘ icon leads to detailed timings for the specific simulation (see below for details).
  • Compare timings: This allows to easily compare the timings (again, see below for details) of any choice of argument and system size across different executables by displaying the timing blocks next to each other.
  • Timings: The timings, finally, consist of the mean values and standard deviations over the benchmarking repetitions of the timing blocks found in the GROMACS log files. They allow to investigate further where differences between executables arise.


GROMACS benchmarking tool







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