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On this page

  1. Tic Tac Toe - AI
  2. Server
  3. Client
  4. Flow
  5. See also

A Tic-Tac-Toe game impl Javascript/Node Checkout the Preview on Heroku

Module Description
Server Lift the Express app and setup middlewares
Turn Controller for the 'turn' route
Game Implement functionalities
State Representing a state in the game
Search Using min-max with alpha-beta-pruning search the best next move
Module Description
Api Implement functionalities for http calls
AI Compute the next move of the AI
App The main container of the app
Home The container of the root route
Board Rendering tiles by a given state, updating the state
Tile Rendering a single tile
1. The client send a state and a move to the server
2. The server compute the next move.
3. The server send back the new state.
4. The client render the UI by the new state.

External resources