This script will update the Services Director Service SSL Certificate for a fleet of vTMs.
Pulse Secure Services Director is the management tool for Pulse Secure Virtual Traffic Manager (vTM), an advanced Application Delivery Controller.
See the Pulse Secure vADC landing page for more details on the products and their capabilities.
This script requires Services Director version 19.1 or higher
Pulse Secure supports this script on Ubuntu 18.04 running python 3.
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo apt install virtualenv
virtualenv --no-site-packages VIRTUAL
source VIRTUAL/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# From the directory update_all_vtm_certificates run
python3 -m unittest discover
python3 --new-sd-service-certificate new_cert.pem
--current-sd-service-certificate current_sd_cert.cert --sd-url
--sd-username admin --sd-password noop --new-private-key new_key.pem
python3 --new-sd-service-certificate new_cert.pem
--current-sd-service-certificate current_sd_cert.cert --sd-url
--sd-username admin --sd-password noop --new-private-key new_key.pem --remove-old-certificates
If you have a Pulse Secure Services Director license with support entitlement, please contact the Pulse Secure support team with any questions.
Please see the knowledge base for detailed instructions on how to use this script
The files in this repository are licensed under the terms of Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.