What's Changed
- Add ci by @jmbhughes in #6
- adds CI by @jmbhughes in #7
- Adds dependabot by @jmbhughes in #8
- sets mariadb as db, changes version retrieval by @jmbhughes in #10
- pin pydantic to avoid #11 by @jmbhughes in #12
- Fix pydantic validation by @jmbhughes in #13
- updates punchdata usage by @jmbhughes in #16
- switch to sphinx docs by @jmbhughes in #17
- fixes docs action by @jmbhughes in #25
- Create .pre-commit-config.yaml by @jmbhughes in #26
- add pre-commit to dev requirements by @jmbhughes in #27
- Allows for many-to-many segments instead of one-to-one by @jmbhughes in #22
- add type hint, update gitignore by @jmbhughes in #29
- Adds docs, adds weekly pr, adds pre-commit, adds many-to-many mappings by @jmbhughes in #30
- Update and rename weeklypr.yaml to monthly.yaml by @jmbhughes in #31
- Fix docs GH action to use private key by @jmbhughes in #32
- makes pre-commit pass by @jmbhughes in #34
- Makes pre-commit pass by @github-actions in #37
- bumps codecov-action to v4 by @jmbhughes in #40
- Create LICENSE by @jmbhughes in #41
- Monthly merge to main by @github-actions in #43
- Delete .github/workflows/monthly.yaml by @jmbhughes in #49
- Update ci.yaml by @jmbhughes in #50
- add level0 by @jmbhughes in #51
- Create level 0 pipeline, improves CI by @jmbhughes in #55
- Makes monitor app and cli, bumps prefect by @jmbhughes in #62
- remove remaining punchdata references by @jmbhughes in #68
- preparing for build 3 review by @jmbhughes in #69
- post build 3 review merge by @jmbhughes in #70
- fix ruff style, update prefect integrations by @jmbhughes in #74
- Creates pinned environment CI by @jmbhughes in #75
- Prepare open version by @jmbhughes in #76
New Contributors
- @jmbhughes made their first contribution in #6
- @github-actions made their first contribution in #37
Full Changelog: https://github.com/punch-mission/punchpipe/commits/0.0.1