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Ticket Reservation System


To build front-end application You need flutter SDK. During installation please remember to add flutter/bin to your PATH enviroment variable. After setting up flutter You just have to call

flutter pub get
flutter run

and Your application will be running.

In order to debug API calls using Google Chrome you need to modify Your flutter SDK otherwise You will be getting XMLHttpRequest error. Go to flutter SDK instalation location and find file


delete this file. Next find file


in it find list of arguments for Chrome startup:

    final List<String> args = <String>[
      // Using a tmp directory ensures that a new instance of chrome launches
      // allowing for the remote debug port to be enabled.
      // When the DevTools has focus we don't want to slow down the application.
      // Since we are using a temp profile, disable features that slow the
      // Chrome launch.
      if (headless)

just comment out '--disable-extension' and add below it '--disable-web-security'. So finally it should look like this:

    final List<String> args = <String>[
      // Using a tmp directory ensures that a new instance of chrome launches
      // allowing for the remote debug port to be enabled.
      // When the DevTools has focus we don't want to slow down the application.
      // Since we are using a temp profile, disable features that slow the
      // Chrome launch.
      // '--disable-extensions',
      if (headless)


All backend applications in this repository run with Docker technology as well as several services that are necessary for communication processes. In order to build all aplications at once you can go to src/back/TicketManager/ directory where docker-compose file is. Now run build command

docker-compose build

Now in order to launch whole backend environment just start containers

docker-compose up

This command can be also followed with -d flag which will run all containers in background. If you add --build flag it will auto-build before launching.

When you want containers to stop run another docker command

docker-compose down

For now known issue is that using docker leaves dangling images. Those are images that were either used as an intermidiate step in building process or old application images. Removing all of them will result in building process to take longer as they contain NuGet data. If you want to free disk space simply run

docker image prune

Some essential variables are stored in file variables.env which has development environment variables used by main app. For production purposes those values should be changed approprietly

Secrets are stored in file secrets.env. This file is not stored in code repository. Values stored there should be:

  • BlobStorageConnectionString='Blob.Connection.String'

Test status

On master

Front-end - Test application master

On dev

Front-end - Test application dev

Build status

On master

Front-end - Build Android

Front-end - Build iOS

Front-end - Build Web