Matthew Kay, University of Michigan,
This package extends the tidybayes R package to support models from Richard McElreath's rethinking package. It is separate from the core tidybayes
package because rethinking
is not currently available on CRAN.
If you haven't already, install the rethinking
package per the instructions on the rethinking page, and install tidybayes
per the instructions on the tidybayes page.
Then, install tidybayes.rethinking
from github:
See the tidybayes documentation, or check out vignette("tidybayes")
for a variety of examples.
I welcome feedback, suggestions, and issues! Contact me at If you have found a bug, please file it here with minimal code to reproduce the issue.
grew out of helper functions I wrote to make my own analysis pipelines tidier. Over time it has expanded to cover more use cases I have encountered, but I would love to make it cover more!