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Ubuntu 20.04 conda development quickstart

Rory Yorke edited this page Oct 14, 2023 · 9 revisions

Loosely based on an older SciPy development quickstart for Ubuntu.

Last tested 2023-10-14 with:

  • python 3.12.0
  • numpy 1.26.0
  • slycot commit 9485d94

Also tested against python-control@a11d3be, with one failure that isn't obviously Slycot related:


Note this bug : be sure to uninstall python3-numpy from the system.


Install miniconda

Setup environment

Install conda-build

Install the conda-build package in the base environment. This is needed for running conda develop during testing of Slycot.

conda install -n base conda-build

Environment for building

Create a conda environment slycotdev with the necessary build requirements.

conda create --name slycot-dev --channel conda-forge python compilers numpy "setuptools>=45" "setuptools_scm>=6.3" "scikit-build>=0.14.1" cmake scipy pytest

If you're likely to install other packages (matplotlib, ipython, etc.) as you go along, make sure conda-forge is the first channel for packages:

conda activate slycotdev
conda config --env --add channels conda-forge

In-place build

Build inplace

conda activate slycotdev # if not already activated
python build_ext --inplace

Install in your development environment:

conda develop .

Run the tests:


Testing against python-control

If you've installed Slycot in your development environment (see conda develop . above), you can use python-control to do more tests of Slycot. Use git to clone python-control, and in the python-control working tree run pytest. You'll need to conda install matplotlib to run the python-control tests.