Minor bug fixes
[BugFix] Fix none ref in during reduction (#1090) 88c86f8
[Versioning] v0.6.2 fix cdd5cb3
[BugFix] smarter check in set_interaction_type 0b3c778
[Versioning] 0.6.2 b26bbe3
[Quality] Better use of StrEnum in set_interaction_type 477d85b
[Minor] print_directory_tree returns a string 05c0fe7
[Doc] Add doc on export with nested keys d64c33d
[Feature] Better logs of key errors in assert_close 1ef1188
[Refactor] Make _set_dispatch_td_nn_modules compatible with compile f24e3d8
[Doc] Better docstring for to_module 178dfd9
[Feature] intersection
for assert_close 8583392
[Quality] Better error message for incongruent lists of keys 866943c
[BugFix] Better repr of lazy stacks e00965c
[BugFix] calling pad with immutable sequence (#1075) d3bcb6e
[Performance] Faster to f031bf2
Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v0.6.2