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Design notes

Petr Viktorin edited this page Mar 6, 2017 · 1 revision

Here's a dumping ground of ideas and links.

Design notes

Naucse should have several different types pages, relating to the content they have:

  • Tutorials

    • Intended to be read back-to-back, and followed
    • Will be read by learners at home
    • Can (and will) also be used for courses: the lecturer is expected to follow them; students can use them to catch up or refer to information they didn't catch. They shouldn't be written primarily for this, though.
    • Verbs are in second person informal singular ("tykání"). We're writing for our friends, current and future. Instructors of formal courses have the option to fork.
    • Should work well as a printed book in the future.
    • Inspiration for writing style:
    • Typography/graphic-desgn inspiration:
      • O'Reilly books
      • Flask documentation
  • Course/run navigation

    • Should guide the reader around, set expectations, provide summaries, link to related content
    • Clearly organized
    • Needs to support
      • back-to-back reading -- next page, previous page
      • tree-based navigation (course - session - lesson - subpage)
      • links to related content (in areas "between" chapters of heavy content)
  • Cheatsheets

    • Most useful info only. No fluff (on front page).
    • Work best when printed out for reference
    • Colorful
  • "Fast-track lessons"

    • For people fluent in related technologies or other programming languages
    • No fluff, longer explanations are linked rather than
    • No instructions/imperative:
    • Inspiration:
  • Encyclopedia

    • Reference docs:
      • for readers familiar with a concept (or related concepts); ones who have gone through the Tutorials, or perhaps those comint from another language
      • Exhaustive
    • Link-heavy. Like on Wikipedia, readers should end up with too many open tabs when reading this section.
  • Exercises

    • Interactive. Colorful. Gamified. (Also: Self-scoring. Adaptive.)
    • But also, it should be possible to combine a few and print them out as handouts – at least for the first few lessons.
  • Videos

    • someone help me here, how do I tie these in?


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