qrapids-dashboard v0.3.1
New Functionalities & Solved bugs
This release adds the following functionalities to the dashboard:
- Forecasting technique selector (#3 #4)
- Product management (#6)
- Quality model view (#21)
- User control (#5)
The following bugs are solved:
- QR button not showing for alerts (#27)
New attritubes in the application.properties file
forecast.technique= default technique to be applied for forecasting. The possible values are: ARIMA, ARIMA_FORCE_SEASONALITY, THETA, ETS, ETSDAMPED, BAGGEDETS, STL, NN, HYBRID, PROPHET
assessSI.url= URL where the si_assessment restful services is available (e.g. <ip>:<port>/qr-si_assesement-0.1)