A curated list of awesome .dev TLD domain, dedicated to the developer community.
- .Dev registry: https://get.dev
- Google best practices for web development: https://web.dev
- Puppeteer automate chrome usage: https://pptr.dev
- Stadia game platform: https://stadia.dev
- Mozilla documentation: https://mdn.dev
- Bit component hub: https://bit.dev
- lodash library: https://lodash.dev
- V8 javascript virtual machine: https://v8.dev
- Nodejs history: https://nodejs.dev
- web component framework: https://amp.dev
- Cube, Open source analytics framework: https://cube.dev
- Svelte compiler based component framework: https://svelte.dev
- html.dev a guide for css, js and html: https://html.dev
- An elegant virtual list component for React: https://virtuoso.dev
- Tensorflow hub: https://tfhub.dev
- Dataops knowledge base by Accend: https://dataops.dev
- Women in dev: https://women.dev
- About open source: https://opensource.dev
- Hashnode bloging platform for devlopers: https://hashnode.dev
- Personal sites of the form: firstname.dev
- Personal sites of the form: fullname.dev
- Personal sites of the form: lastname.dev
- Developer websites by github: https://github.dev
- Go CLI library: https://cobra.dev
- a fast and friendly git client for Mac and Windows: https://fork.dev
- slack API: https://slack.dev