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NGINX Plus VM Image Build

This repository will walk you through the process of building a qcow2 image file that will enable you to deploy NGINX Plus in a VM. Note that this is an exceptionally opinionated build; please see the Usage Notes for full details on how to use this image, as well as information on the build decisions.

Important Caveats

  • You need to have a supported linux build environment. These builds were done on Ubuntu 21.04; your mileage may vary on other platforms.

  • This process uses diskimage-builder to create the image.

  • This process requires that you have a valid cert/key pair for NGINX Plus.

  • The cert and key are used in the build, but are not contained in the repository. They are injected at build time from Jenkins; if you are not using Jenkins you can replicate this by copying them to the appropriate directories under the static part of the build hierarchy.

  • This process will build a bare-bones deployment that exposes the API and nginx-dashboard as part of the deployment; this is only for development and testing purposes, with the configuration being passed in a heredoc. For actual usage, the data should be passed using the disk-image-builder extra-data.d element.

  • The image built is can be based off Debian 11 (Bullseye) or Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal). There is a directory for a CentOS build but this option is deprecated and not maintained.

  • Sample cloud configurations are included.


It is recommended that you install the diskimage builder in a virtualenv:

  • sudo apt install virtualenvwrapper
  • virtualenv dib-elements
  • source dib-elements/bin/activate
  • pip install diskimage-builder

Key Files

A full discussion of the diskimage build system is out of scope for this document, and instead we will focus on the key configuration files for this project. It is highly recommended that you review the documentation on the build process prior to attempting any major changes in order to fully understand the possible effects of those changes.

The file/directory structure for the build process looks like this:

├── centos
│   └── elements
│       ├── dib-elements
│       │   ├── bin
│       │   ├── lib
│       │   └── share
│       └── nginx-plus
│           ├── environment.d
│           ├── extra-data.d
│           ├── install.d
│           ├── nginxplus.d
│           └── post-install.d
├── debian
    └── elements
        ├── dib-elements
        │   ├── bin
        │   ├── lib
        │   └── share
        └── nginx-plus
            ├── environment.d
            ├── extra-data.d
            ├── install.d
            ├── post-install.d
            └── static
└── ubuntu
    └── elements
        ├── dib-elements
        │   ├── bin
        │   ├── lib
        │   └── share
        └── nginx-plus
            ├── environment.d
            ├── extra-data.d
            ├── install.d
            ├── nginxplus.d
            ├── post-install.d
            └── static
File/Directory Purpose
element-deps List of the key dependencies for the image buid; includes the base image to be used and what tasks to complete (such as enabling a serial console)
environment.d Files that define the environment
10-cloud-init-datasources Configures cloud-init for various clouds / environments. For example, OpenStack and Ec2.
extra-data.d Currently empty; can be used to pass files into the build environment.
install.d Files used during the install phase of the build.
15-install-nginx-plus Customized script to install nginx-plus; uses an external webserver for certs and has an inline configuration.
package-installs.yaml List of packages to be installed
pkg-map Mapping between package names between releases and families
post-install.d Currently empty; scripts / steps to be run following installation
static Static files to be copied directly into the image

Of these, the most likely files you will need to change are:

  • The cloud init datasources, in order to build images for different clouds and environments.
  • The install script, for a number of reasons:
    • Change the location of where the scripts are pulled from.
    • Change the configuration that is passed through.
    • Make use of the extra-data.d process to bring different content into the image.
    • Add files into the static directory to build bespoke files into the image.
  • Package installs, to add/remove packages from the final image.

Cert Management

This process is designed to stamp out preconfigured images w/ NGINX Plus installed without containing the cert/key pair. These are passed through using the static directory; please see the relevant configuration directory for full details on how to accomplish this.

Build Process

The build process involves two steps:

  1. Export the path to elements directory you created for the build type you wish (Debian or CentOS); this can be absolute or relative. For example, export ELEMENTS_PATH=./elements or export ELEMENTS_PATH=$HOME/repos/nginxplus-img/debian/elements
  2. Set your version variable. Currently, has been tested with DIB_RELEASE=bullseye for Debian and DIB_RELEASE=focal for Ubuntu.
  3. Run the disk image creation process. This requires that you provide:
    1. The architecture (in this case amd64)
    2. The output file, including the file extension indicating the format.
    3. The partition format being used; in this case we are using a block device with an MBR.
    4. The name of the project being built, in this case nginx-plus.
  4. Command line: disk-image-create -a amd64 -o nginxplus.qcow2 block-device-mbr nginx-plus


$ disk-image-create -a amd64 -o nginxplus.qcow2 block-device-mbr nginx-plus
2021-05-26 22:20:08.313 | diskimage-builder version 3.11.0
2021-05-26 22:20:08.314 | Building elements: base block-device-mbr nginx-plus
2021-05-26 22:20:08.372 | Expanded element dependencies to: growroot runtime-ssh-host-keys install-static cloud-init-datasources openssh-server sysprep modprobe block-device-mbr base pkg-map install-bin vm debootstrap nginx-plus manifests package-installs dhcp-all-interfaces enable-serial-console dpkg install-types dib-init-system debian-minimal bootloader
2021-05-26 22:20:12.557 | Building in /tmp/jschmidt/dib_build.j0WKmm8c
2021-05-26 22:20:12.564 | Searching elements for block-device[-amd64].yaml ...
2021-05-26 22:20:12.566 | Using block-device config: /home/jschmidt/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/diskimage_builder/elements/block-device-mbr/block-device-default.yaml
2021-05-26 22:20:12.754 | INFO diskimage_builder.block_device.blockdevice [-] Wrote final block device config to [/tmp/jschmidt/dib_build.j0WKmm8c/states/block-device/config.json]
2021-05-26 22:20:12.950 | INFO diskimage_builder.block_device.blockdevice [-] Getting value for [root-label]
2021-05-26 22:20:13.145 | INFO diskimage_builder.block_device.blockdevice [-] Getting value for [root-fstype]
2021-05-26 22:20:13.337 | INFO diskimage_builder.block_device.blockdevice [-] Getting value for [mount-points]
<--- SNIP --->
2021-05-26 22:22:09.761 | INFO diskimage_builder.block_device.utils [-] Calling [sudo fstrim --verbose /tmp/jschmidt/dib_build.j0WKmm8c/mnt/]
2021-05-26 22:22:09.771 | INFO diskimage_builder.block_device.utils [-] Calling [sudo umount /tmp/jschmidt/dib_build.j0WKmm8c/mnt/]
2021-05-26 22:22:09.916 | INFO diskimage_builder.block_device.utils [-] Calling [sudo kpartx -d /dev/loop6]
2021-05-26 22:22:09.997 | INFO diskimage_builder.block_device.level0.localloop [-] loopdev detach
2021-05-26 22:22:09.997 | INFO diskimage_builder.block_device.utils [-] Calling [sudo losetup -d /dev/loop6]
2021-05-26 22:22:10.264 | INFO diskimage_builder.block_device.blockdevice [-] Removing temporary state dir [/tmp/jschmidt/dib_build.j0WKmm8c/states/block-device]
2021-05-26 22:22:10.342 | Converting image using qemu-img convert
2021-05-26 22:22:45.421 | Old image found. Renaming it to nginxplus-2021.05.26-16.22.45.qcow2
2021-05-26 22:22:45.423 | Image file nginxplus.qcow2 created...
2021-05-26 22:22:45.548 | Build completed successfully


  • If there are any issues with the build you will need to remediate them; the most common issues are around packages that need to be installed on the build machine.
  • This process may require sudo permissions depending on your build environment.

Post Build Editing

It is possible to make changes to the image after it is built without re-running the build process. This requires that you use a utility such as virt-customize. For example, the following code can be used to add a user, set the password for the user, add the user to the sudoers file, and inject an ssh key for the user:

 virt-customize -a theimage.qcow2 --run-command "adduser theuser"
 virt-customize -a theimage.qcow2 --run-command "echo 'theuser  ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' >> /etc/sudoers.d/theuser-sudo"
 virt-customize -a theimage.qcow2 --password theuser:password:thepass
 virt-customize -a theimage.qcow2 --ssh-inject theuser:string:"thesshkey"

You will need to substitute your own values for theimage, theuser, thepass, and thesshkey.