Task | Python 3 | ES2016 | Notes |
Assignment | |||
Variables | y = 1 |
var y = 1; |
Block scope | |
let y = 1; |
Constants | Y = 1 |
const Y = 1; |
py: only a naming convention ES2015: can't reassign, but mutable if object is |
Many at once | x = 1; y = 2 |
var x = 1, y = 2; |
unpacking / destructuring | x, y = 2, 1 |
var [x, y] = [1, 2]; |
Many to same value | x = y = 1 |
local existance | 'x' in locals() |
global existance | 'x' in globals() |
Unpacking / spread | |||
Swap | x, y = y, x |
[x, y] = [y, x] ; |
First & Rest | head, *rest = xs |
[head, ...rest] = xs |
First, Last, Middle | head, *middles, tail = xs |
Comparison | |||
chained comparisons | 1 < x <= 9 |
1 < x && x <= 9 |
left associative in JS |
ternary | x if pred else y |
pred ? x : y; |
for some predicate |
truthiness | if x |
if (x) |
JS: bool, int, float, str only |
Math | |||
exponents | x **= y ** z |
x **= y ** z; |
ES2016 |
int division | x // y |
Math.floor(x / y); |
increments | x += 1; x -= 1 |
x ++; x--; |
abs | abs(-1) |
Math.abs(-1) |
arbitrarily large ints | by default |
use external library |
JS: https://github.com/jtobey/javascript-bignum, Pyinfo |
Sets | |||
init | u = {} |
var u = new Set(); |
py: also set() |
from array | u = {*xs} |
var u = new Set(xs); |
py: also set(xs) |
to array | xs = [*u] |
var xs = [...u]; |
py: also list(u) |
add to | u.add(x) |
u.add(x) |
multi-typed, py: also `u |
element of | x in u |
u.has(x) |
remove from | u.remove(x) |
u.delete(x) |
py: also u -= {x} |
size | len(u) |
u.length |
union in place | `u | = v` | |
union new object | `u | v` | |
intersection in place | u &= v |
`` | |
intersection new | u & v |
v.filter(x => u.has(x)) |
`O |
difference in place | u -= v |
`` | `O |
difference new | u - v |
u.filter(x => !v.has(x)) |
`O |
Arrays / Lists | |||
access by index | xs[i] |
xs[i] |
py: allows negative indices |
length | len(xs) |
xs.length |
slicing | xs[start:end:step] |
xs.slice(start, [end]); |
adding to end | xs.append(x) |
xs.push(x) |
concat in place | xs.extend(ys) |
xs.concat(ys, zs) |
py: xs += ys fails for nonlocal, can't chain to functional call |
any / some | any(map(pred, xs)) |
xs.some(pred) |
for some predicate |
all / every | all(map(pred, xs)) |
xs.every(pred) |
sim |
existance | x in xs |
xs.includes(x) |
ES2016 |
zip | zip(xs, ys) |
eg: for x, y in zip(xs, ys): f(x, y) | |
Loops | |||
for each | for x in xs: |
for (x in xs){} |
enumerate | for i, x in enumerate(xs): |
xs.forEach((x, i) => ...) |
IO & Strings | c | ||
print(x) |
console.log(x); |
split (by space) | s.split() |
s.split(' ') |
py: space default, js reqs arg |
join (by comma) | ','.join(xs) |
xs.join() |
js: comma default |
interpolation | f'my age is {age + 1}' \ |
`my age is ${age + 1} |
aka template strings | 'years old' |
years old` |
Functions | |||
declaration | def f(x): |
function f(x){} |
js: hoisted to top |
global var access | |
by default |
global var mutate | global x; x = 2 |
js: by default, py: global hoisted to start of function | |
global var dec inside | global x; x = 2 |
same name local var | x = 2 |
let/const x = 2; |
precedence | local vars / params, global vars | ||
Objects | |||
has attribute | hasattr(obj, 'attr_name') |
Functional | |||
unary lambdas | lambda x: x + 1 |
x => x + 1; |
nullary | lambda : 1 |
() => 1; |
multi-airy | lambda x, y: x + y |
(x, y) => x + y; |
bind to var | f = lambda x: x + 1 |
var f = x => x + 1; |
map | sqrs = map(square, xs) |
sqrs = xs.map(square); |
filter | odds = filter(is_odd, xs) |
odds = xs.filter(is_odd); |
reduce | sum = reduce(add, xs) |
sum = xs.reduce(add); |
py: import from functools |
`` | ; |
`` | ; |
`` | ; |
`` | ; |
`` | ; |
`` | ; |
`` | ; |
`` | ; |
Information and feedback from: StackOverflow, JS Docs, PY Docs, Robin Pham