This application is designed, not restricted, to do Continues Wave Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance (CW-ODMR) measurements for color centers like
- A single photon detector module based on Simnics FT1040.
- A RIGOL DSG836 RF generator contol module.
- A data processing module dealing and visualizing measured data.
- A RF sweep list generator code in Jupyter Notebook to generate a random sweep list, in order to avoid MW frequency mitigating problems caused by frequency-dependent MW heating through the antenna resonance
- is the software main file.
- asg_cw_odmr.ui is the main ui file for this software, and is transformed into which can be imported into through 'import asg_cw_odmr_ui'.
- resources.qrc saves images and icons that is used in asg_cw_odmr.ui and is transformed into to be imported into through 'import resources_rc'.
- wraps controlling functions of FT1040 in python.
- dll_ft1040 folder saves the dynamic link library for smnics FT1040.
- ASGDLL_x64.dll is the dynamic link library for CIQTEK ASG8005.
All parts of this repository is under GPL3 (see LICENSE)