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Support time-dependent operators in timeevolution (#366)
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Support time-dependent operators in timeevolution by providing `x_dynamic` methods that take those operators directly, as an alternative to the function-based interface.
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amilsted committed Jul 5, 2023
1 parent 9284519 commit 9ad920c
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Showing 7 changed files with 237 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/QuantumOptics.jl
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Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ module timeevolution
export diagonaljumps, @skiptimechecks

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23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions src/master.jl
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Expand Up @@ -145,6 +145,12 @@ H_{nh} = H - \\frac{i}{2} \\sum_k J^†_k J_k
The given function can either be of the form `f(t, rho) -> (Hnh, Hnhdagger, J, Jdagger)`
or `f(t, rho) -> (Hnh, Hnhdagger, J, Jdagger, rates)` For further information look
at [`master_dynamic`](@ref).
timeevolution.master_dynamic(tspan, rho0, Hnh::AbstractTimeDependentOperator, J; <keyword arguments>)
This version takes the non-hermitian Hamiltonian `Hnh` and jump operators `J` as time-dependent operators.
The jump operators may be `<: AbstractTimeDependentOperator` or other types
of operator.
function master_nh_dynamic(tspan, rho0::Operator, f;
Expand All @@ -155,6 +161,12 @@ function master_nh_dynamic(tspan, rho0::Operator, f;
integrate_master(tspan, dmaster_, rho0, fout; kwargs...)

function master_nh_dynamic(tspan, rho0::Operator, Hnh::AbstractTimeDependentOperator, J;
f = master_nh_dynamic_function(Hnh, J)
master_nh_dynamic(tspan, rho0, f; kwargs...)

timeevolution.master_dynamic(tspan, rho0, f; <keyword arguments>)
Expand All @@ -179,6 +191,12 @@ operators:
permanent! It is still in use by the ode solver and therefore must not
be changed.
* `kwargs...`: Further arguments are passed on to the ode solver.
timeevolution.master_dynamic(tspan, rho0, H::AbstractTimeDependentOperator, J; <keyword arguments>)
This version takes the Hamiltonian `H` and jump operators `J` as time-dependent operators.
The jump operators may be `<: AbstractTimeDependentOperator` or other types
of operator.
function master_dynamic(tspan, rho0::Operator, f;
Expand All @@ -189,6 +207,11 @@ function master_dynamic(tspan, rho0::Operator, f;
integrate_master(tspan, dmaster_, rho0, fout; kwargs...)

function master_dynamic(tspan, rho0::Operator, H::AbstractTimeDependentOperator, J;
f = master_h_dynamic_function(H, J)
master_dynamic(tspan, rho0, f; kwargs...)

# Automatically convert Ket states to density operators
for f [:master,:master_h,:master_nh,:master_dynamic,:master_nh_dynamic]
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17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions src/mcwf.jl
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Expand Up @@ -157,6 +157,12 @@ and therefore must not be changed.
is returned. These correspond to the times at which a jump occured and the index
of the jump operators with which the jump occured, respectively.
* `kwargs...`: Further arguments are passed on to the ode solver.
mcwf_dynamic(tspan, psi0, H::AbstractTimeDependentOperator, J; <keyword arguments>)
This version takes the Hamiltonian `H` and jump operators `J` as time-dependent operators.
The jump operators may be `<: AbstractTimeDependentOperator` or other types
of operator.
function mcwf_dynamic(tspan, psi0::Ket, f;
seed=rand(UInt), rates=nothing,
Expand All @@ -172,8 +178,14 @@ function mcwf_dynamic(tspan, psi0::Ket, f;

function mcwf_dynamic(tspan, psi0::Ket, H::AbstractTimeDependentOperator, J; kwargs...)
f = mcfw_dynamic_function(H, J)
mcwf_dynamic(tspan, psi0, f; kwargs...)

mcwf_nh_dynamic(tspan, rho0, f; <keyword arguments>)
mcwf_nh_dynamic(tspan, rho0, Hnh::AbstractTimeDependentOperator, J; <keyword arguments>)
Calculate MCWF trajectory where the dynamic Hamiltonian is given in non-hermitian form.
Expand All @@ -192,6 +204,11 @@ function mcwf_nh_dynamic(tspan, psi0::Ket, f;

function mcwf_nh_dynamic(tspan, psi0::Ket, Hnh::AbstractTimeDependentOperator, J; kwargs...)
f = mcfw_nh_dynamic_function(Hnh, J)
mcwf_nh_dynamic(tspan, psi0, f; kwargs...)

dmcwf_h_dynamic!(dpsi, f, rates, psi, dpsi_cache, t)
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/schroedinger.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,6 +37,10 @@ Integrate time-dependent Schroedinger equation to evolve states or compute propa
an output should be displayed. ATTENTION: The state `psi` is neither
normalized nor permanent! It is still in use by the ode solver and
therefore must not be changed.
timeevolution.schroedinger_dynamic(tspan, psi0, H::AbstractTimeDependentOperator; fout)
Instead of a function `f`, this takes a time-dependent operator `H`.
function schroedinger_dynamic(tspan, psi0, f;
Expand All @@ -49,6 +53,11 @@ function schroedinger_dynamic(tspan, psi0, f;
integrate(tspan, dschroedinger_, x0, state, dstate, fout; kwargs...)

function schroedinger_dynamic(tspan, psi0::T, H::AbstractTimeDependentOperator;
kwargs...) where {B,Bp,T<:Union{AbstractOperator{B,Bp},StateVector{B}}}
schroedinger_dynamic(tspan, psi0, schroedinger_dynamic_function(H); kwargs...)

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100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions src/time_dependent_operators.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
# Convert storage of heterogeneous stuff to tuples for maximal compilation
# and to avoid runtime dispatch.
_tuplify(o::TimeDependentSum) = TimeDependentSum(Tuple, o)
_tuplify(o::LazySum) = LazySum(eltype(o.factors), o.factors, (o.operators...,))
_tuplify(o::AbstractOperator) = o

Creates a function `f(t, state) -> H(t)`. The `state` argument is ignored.
This is the function expected by [`timeevolution.schroedinger_dynamic()`](@ref).
function schroedinger_dynamic_function(H::AbstractTimeDependentOperator)
_getfunc(op) = (@inline _tdop_schroedinger_wrapper(t, _) = (op)(t))
Htup = _tuplify(H)
return _getfunc(Htup)

_tdopdagger(o) = dagger(o)
function _tdopdagger(o::TimeDependentSum)
# This is a kind-of-hacky, more efficient TimeDependentSum dagger operation
# that requires that the original operator sticks around and is always
# updated first (though this is checked).
# Copies and conjugates the coefficients from the original op.
o_ls = QuantumOpticsBase.static_operator(o)
facs = o_ls.factors
c1 = (t)->(@assert current_time(o) == t; conj(facs[1]))
crest = (((_)->conj(facs[i])) for i in 2:length(facs))
odag = TimeDependentSum((c1, crest...), dagger(o_ls), current_time(o))
return odag

master_h_dynamic_function(H::AbstractTimeDependentOperator, Js)
Returns a function `f(t, state) -> H(t), Js, dagger.(Js)`.
The `state` argument is ignored.
This is the function expected by [`timeevolution.master_h_dynamic()`](@ref),
where `H` is represents the Hamiltonian and `Js` are the (time independent) jump
function master_h_dynamic_function(H::AbstractTimeDependentOperator, Js)
Htup = _tuplify(H)
Js_tup = ((_tuplify(J) for J in Js)...,)

Jdags_tup = _tdopdagger.(Js_tup)
function _getfunc(Hop, Jops, Jdops)
return (@inline _tdop_master_wrapper_1(t, _) = ((Hop)(t), set_time!.(Jops, t), set_time!.(Jdops, t)))
return _getfunc(Htup, Js_tup, Jdags_tup)

master_nh_dynamic_function(Hnh::AbstractTimeDependentOperator, Js)
Returns a function `f(t, state) -> Hnh(t), Hnh(t)', Js, dagger.(Js)`.
The `state` argument is currently ignored.
This is the function expected by [`timeevolution.master_nh_dynamic()`](@ref),
where `Hnh` is represents the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian and `Js` are the
(time independent) jump operators.
function master_nh_dynamic_function(Hnh::AbstractTimeDependentOperator, Js)
Hnhtup = _tuplify(Hnh)
Js_tup = ((_tuplify(J) for J in Js)...,)

Jdags_tup = _tdopdagger.(Js_tup)
Htdagup = _tdopdagger(Hnhtup)

function _getfunc(Hop, Hdop, Jops, Jdops)
return (@inline _tdop_master_wrapper_2(t, _) = ((Hop)(t), (Hdop)(t), set_time!.(Jops, t), set_time!.(Jdops, t)))
return _getfunc(Hnhtup, Htdagup, Js_tup, Jdags_tup)

mcfw_dynamic_function(H, Js)
Returns a function `f(t, state) -> H(t), Js, dagger.(Js)`.
The `state` argument is currently ignored.
This is the function expected by [`timeevolution.mcwf_dynamic()`](@ref),
where `H` is represents the Hamiltonian and `Js` are the (time independent) jump
mcfw_dynamic_function(H, Js) = master_h_dynamic_function(H, Js)

mcfw_nh_dynamic_function(Hnh, Js)
Returns a function `f(t, state) -> Hnh(t), Js, dagger.(Js)`.
The `state` argument is currently ignored.
This is the function expected by [`timeevolution.mcwf_dynamic()`](@ref),
where `Hnh` is represents the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian and `Js` are the (time
independent) jump operators.
mcfw_nh_dynamic_function(Hnh, Js) = master_h_dynamic_function(Hnh, Js)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ names = [

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86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions test/test_timeevolution_tdops.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
using Test
using QuantumOptics

@testset "time-dependent operators" begin

b = FockBasis(7)

a = destroy(b)

H0 = number(b)
Hd = (a + a')
H = TimeDependentSum(1.0=>H0, cos=>Hd)

ts = [0.0, 0.4]
ts_half = 0.5 * ts

_h(t, H0, Hd) = H0 + cos(t)*Hd
_getf = (H0, Hd) -> (t,_) -> _h(t, H0, Hd)
fman = _getf(H0, Hd)

psi0 = basisstate(b, 1)
ts_out, psis = timeevolution.schroedinger_dynamic(ts, psi0, H)
# check this is not trivial
@test !(psis[1].data psis[end].data)

ts_out2, psis2 = timeevolution.schroedinger_dynamic(ts, psi0, fman)
@test psis[end].data psis2[end].data

_getf = (H0, Hd, a) -> (t,_) -> (_h(t, H0, Hd), (), ())
fman = _getf(H0, Hd, a)

ts_out, rhos = timeevolution.master_dynamic(ts, psi0, H, [])
ts_out2, rhos2 = timeevolution.master_dynamic(ts, psi0, fman)
@test rhos[end].data rhos2[end].data

Js = [TimeDependentSum(cos=>a), 0.01 * a', 0.01 * LazySum(a' * a)]
Jdags = dagger.(Js)

_js(t, a) = (cos(t)*a, 0.01*a', 0.01*a'*a)

_getf = (H0, Hd, a) -> (t,_) -> (_h(t, H0, Hd), _js(t, a), dagger.(_js(t, a)))
fman = _getf(H0, Hd, a)

ts_out, psis = timeevolution.mcwf_dynamic(ts, psi0, H, Js; seed=0)
ts_out2, psis2 = timeevolution.mcwf_dynamic(ts, psi0, fman; seed=0)
@test psis[end].data psis2[end].data

ts_out, rhos = timeevolution.master_dynamic(ts, psi0, H, Js)
ts_out2, rhos2 = timeevolution.master_dynamic(ts, psi0, fman)
@test rhos[end].data rhos2[end].data

Hnh = H - 0.5im * sum(J' * J for J in Js)

_getf = (H0, Hd, a) -> (t,_) -> (
_h(t, H0, Hd) - 0.5im * sum(dagger.(_js(t, a)) .* _js(t, a)),
_js(t, a),
dagger.(_js(t, a)))

fman = _getf(H0, Hd, a)

ts_out, psis = timeevolution.mcwf_nh_dynamic(ts, psi0, Hnh, Js; seed=0)
ts_out2, psis2 = timeevolution.mcwf_nh_dynamic(ts, psi0, fman; seed=0)
@test psis[end].data psis2[end].data

_getf = (H0, Hd, a) -> (t,_) -> (
_h(t, H0, Hd) - 0.5im * sum(dagger.(_js(t, a)) .* _js(t, a)),
_h(t, H0, Hd) + 0.5im * sum(dagger.(_js(t, a)) .* _js(t, a)),
_js(t, a),
dagger.(_js(t, a)))

fman = _getf(H0, Hd, a)

ts_out, rhos = timeevolution.master_nh_dynamic(ts, psi0, Hnh, Js)
ts_out2, rhos2 = timeevolution.master_nh_dynamic(ts, psi0, fman)
@test rhos[end].data rhos2[end].data

# for sparse operators, we should not be allocating at each timestep
allocs1 = @allocated timeevolution.schroedinger_dynamic(ts, psi0, H)
allocs2 = @allocated timeevolution.schroedinger_dynamic(ts_half, psi0, H)
@test allocs1 == allocs2

allocs1 = @allocated timeevolution.master_nh_dynamic(ts, psi0, Hnh, Js)
allocs2 = @allocated timeevolution.master_nh_dynamic(ts_half, psi0, Hnh, Js)
@test allocs1 == allocs2


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