This project implements a modern Sign Up form using Next.js, React, and various cutting-edge libraries. It showcases form validation techniques, reusable UI components, and focuses on the behavior of a Sign Up form, demonstrating best practices in modern web development.
- Next.js (v15.0.0-rc.0)
- React (v19.0.0-rc-06d0b89e-20240801)
- React DOM (v19.0.0-rc-06d0b89e-20240801)
- TypeScript (v5)
- React Hook Form (v7.53.0)
- Zod (v3.23.8)
- @hookform/resolvers (v3.9.0)
- Tailwind CSS (v3.4.1)
- Shadcn/ui (v0.0.4)
- Lucide React (v0.451.0)
- Framer Motion (v11.11.8)
- Radix UI components:
- @radix-ui/react-icons (v1.3.0)
- @radix-ui/react-label (v2.1.0)
- @radix-ui/react-select (v2.1.2)
- @radix-ui/react-slot (v1.1.0)
- @radix-ui/react-toast (v1.2.2)
- class-variance-authority (v0.7.0)
- clsx (v2.1.1)
- tailwind-merge (v2.5.3)
- tailwindcss-animate (v1.0.7)
- libphonenumber-js (v1.11.11)
- Vitest (v2.1.2)
- Playwright (v1.48.0)
This project demonstrates:
- Sign-up form implementation inspired by Meta's careers page
- Form validation using Zod schemas
Responsive design with Tailwind CSS- Reusable UI components from shadcn/ui
- Error handling and user feedback
- Unit testing with Vitest
- End-to-end testing with Playwright
Ensure you have Node.js and pnpm installed on your system. Use the versions specified in the package.json
To run the project locally:
Install dependencies:
pnpm install
Start the development server:
pnpm dev
Open your browser and navigate to
For production:
Build the project:
pnpm build
Start the production server:
pnpm start
To run unit tests:
pnpm test