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graphnet is an open repository for graphs.


Graph Algorithms

Search Shortest Path Minimum Spanning Tree Connectivity Topological Sort Matching Graph Coloring Planarity Test Graph Partitioning
✔ Depth First Search ✔ Dijkstra ✔ Prim ✔ Union Find ✔ Kahn ✔ Hopcroft-Karp ✔ Greedy ✔ Boyer-Myrvold ✔ Kernighan-Lin
✔ Breadth First Search ✔ Bellman-Ford ✔ Kruskal ✔ DFS ✔ Welsh-Powell

Graph Models

Random Graph Geometric Graph Grid Graph Tree Graph Regular Graph Power Law Graph Small World Graph Community Graph
✔ Erdos-Renyi ✔ Random Geometric ✔ Grid ✔ Random Tree ✔ Regular ✔ Power Law ✔ Small World ✔ LFR

Graph Analysis

Graph Metrics Graph Properties Graph Centrality Graph Similarity Graph Embedding Graph Visualization
✔ Degree ✔ Connected ✔ Degree Centrality ✔ Graph Edit Distance ✔ DeepWalk ✔ Force Atlas
✔ Diameter ✔ Bipartite ✔ Closeness Centrality ✔ Node2Vec ✔ Fruchterman-Reingold
✔ Radius ✔ Eulerian ✔ Betweenness Centrality
✔ Center ✔ Hamiltonian ✔ Eigenvector Centrality
✔ Periphery ✔ Planar
✔ Girth ✔ Regular
✔ Density ✔ Complete
✔ Clustering Coefficient ✔ Tree

Theorems and Proofs

Graph Theory Graph Algorithms
✔ Euler's Theorem ✔ Dijkstra's Algorithm
✔ Hamiltonian Cycle ✔ Bellman-Ford Algorithm
✔ Kuratowski's Theorem ✔ Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
✔ Planar Graph ✔ Prim's Algorithm
✔ Graph Coloring ✔ Kruskal's Algorithm
✔ Graph Isomorphism ✔ Kahn's Algorithm
✔ Hopcroft-Karp Algorithm
✔ Kernighan-Lin Algorithm

Real World Graphs

Social Networks Web Graphs Transportation Networks Biological Networks Information Networks Technological Networks Economic Networks Ecological Networks
✔ Facebook ✔ Google ✔ Road ✔ Protein-Protein ✔ Citation ✔ Power Grid ✔ Trade ✔ Food Web
✔ Twitter ✔ Bing ✔ Rail ✔ Metabolic ✔ Co-Purchase ✔ Internet ✔ Stock Market ✔ Mutualistic
✔ Instagram ✔ Yahoo ✔ Air ✔ Gene Regulatory ✔ Co-Authorship ✔ Telephone ✔ Input-Output ✔ Competitive
✔ Youtube ✔ Sea ✔ Neural ✔ Co-Occurrence ✔ Mobile ✔ Host-Parasite
✔ Reddit ✔ Food Web ✔ Wireless
✔ Pinterest ✔ Brain
✔ LinkedIn ✔ Disease
✔ Github ✔ Ecological
✔ StackOverflow ✔ Epidemiological
✔ Wikipedia ✔ Molecular
✔ Amazon ✔ Pharmacological
✔ Netflix
✔ Spotify

Graph Neural Networks

Graph Convolutional Network Graph Autoencoder Graph Generative Model Graph Embedding
✔ GCN ✔ Graph Autoencoder ✔ GraphRNN ✔ DeepWalk
✔ GAT ✔ Variational Graph Autoencoder ✔ GraphVAE ✔ Node2Vec
✔ GraphSAGE ✔ Adversarial Graph Autoencoder ✔ Graphite
✔ GIN ✔ Graph Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network
✔ Graph Attention Pooling
✔ Graph U-Net
✔ Graph Isomorphism Network
✔ Graph Neural Network
✔ Graph Convolutional Policy Network
✔ Graph Convolutional Reinforcement Learning