Basic arduino project to run steppers with arduino
This project is a very simple setup to drive steppers for the cybot robot arm. Hardware you need :
- Power supply 24V
- 6 stepper motors (3 nema 17 + 3 nema 23 ) (+ 1 nema 17 for the gripper)
- Arduino MEGA
- Arduino MEGA Sensor Shield V2.0
- Stepper Motor Driver Expension Board (1 per stepper)
- Stepper driver TMC2209 (best) or DRV8825 or A4988 (1 per stepper)
- Dupont connectors
Install arduino on your computer and open the testCybotWithSpeedyStepper.ino sketch. Add SpeedyStepper in Library Manager or from here
- Plug the Shield to the arduino mega
- plug the driver to the driver expension board (check the direction ; ground at the opposite of the vin)
- connect with dupont wire the V and G of the driver expension to a 5v and ground of the arduino shield
- connect EN + STEP + DIR to MEGA shield pin 14 + 15 + 16
- connect stepper motor wires to the driver expension
- connect power supply + and - to Driver expension board + and -
- connect arduino USB to computer and upload the project.
- IMPORTANT ! check vref of all drivers , see page
- Open serial monitor and launch the following command : move X1000/X
You should now have the stepper moving.
Now repeat the process with all the steppers you have and the new connection pin :)
You should be able to add new code very easily and implement other commands
--> try first with stepper motors not assembled to the robot !