This library contains a small constructor which produces deferred objects. These are useful for testing purposes, and their use in production JS is discouraged (it's usually better to use the promise constructor directly).
This module has no production dependencies.
JavaScript now has a built-in to achieve most of what this module does, and you should use it when possible.
// Before:
const { promise, resolve, reject } = Deferred();
// After:
const { promise, resolve, reject } = Promise.withResolvers();
The one nuance to be aware of is that resolve
and reject
from this library
return promise
, whereas resolve
and reject
from withResolvers
npm i es2015-deferred
ES2015 module loaders can directly consume index.js
. If you're using
rollup or another ES2015 compatible module loader
configured to look for the module
field and in a
file, then you can import with:
import Deferred from 'es2015-deferred';
The @rollup/plugin-node-resolve package may be useful to you.
If you want to try this module out directly without installation, it can be used via unpkg:
import Deferred from '';
With Deferred
in your environment you can create deferred
var deferred = new Deferred();
// new is optional...
var deferred = Deferred();
A promise is managed by the deferred object.
var promise = deferred.promise;
Resolve deferred.promise
with a given value.
Reject deferred.promise
with an error.
deferred.reject(new Error('Oh noes!'));
Resolve and reject return the promise for easy chaining, e.g.
deferred.resolve('a-resolution').then(/* ... */);
This module is intended for use with unit test runners like mocha. Let's say you want to test a module which makes a request using fetch and parses the response as JSON:
export default function fetchAndParse(url) {
return self.fetch(url).then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected response: ${response.status}`);
return response.json();
Fetch uses promises, so testing it can be tricky! Here's a set of tests for this module written in mocha and sinon. What follows is bulky, but exhaustive. It can be surprising how much branching promises hide!
import assert from 'assert';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import fetchAndParse from './fetchAndParse';
// For failing tests on promises which should reject but do not.
function failResolve() {
throw new Error('Promise should reject.');
describe('fetchAndParse', () => {
const sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
let fetchDeferred;
let promise;
beforeEach(() => {
fetchDeferred = new Deferred();
// Stub fetch with a function which returns a promise we control.
sandbox.stub(self, 'fetch').returns(fetchDeferred.promise);
// Using a deferred above means we can use this promise throughout
// the tests, resolve or rejecting steps as we go along. A deferred
// allows test cases to be built progressively as describe nest.
promise = fetchAndParse('some-url');
afterEach(() => {
it('calls fetch with the given url', () => {
assert.equal(self.fetch.callCount, 1);
describe('when the call to fetch rejects', () => {
let error;
beforeEach(() => {
error = new Error();
// By rejecting here, the promise set up above gets is rejected.
it('rejects the promise returned from fetchAndParse with the same error', () => {
// Mocha treats a resolved promise as a success. This line
// converts and checks rejected promises to resolved, and turns
// resolve promises to rejections before returning for mocha.
return promise.then(
err => assert.equal(err, error)
describe('when the call to fetch resolves with an unsuccessful status', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
// Fetch resolves to a response object. Instruct the deferred
// object to follow that behaviour.
ok: false,
status: 404
it('rejects with an unexpected response error', () => {
return promise.then(failResolve, err => {
assert.ok(err instanceof Error);
assert.equal(err.message, 'Unexpected response: 404');
describe('when the call to fetch resolves with a successful status', () => {
let jsonDeferred;
let response;
beforeEach(() => {
// The json method of the response returns a promise. Use a deferred
// object to manage that.
jsonDeferred = new Deferred();
response = {
ok: true,
json: sansbox.stub().returns(jsonDeferred.promise);
it('calls the json method of the response object', () => {
return fetchDeferred.promise.then(() => assert.equal(response.json.callCount, 1));
describe('when response.json rejects', () => {
let error;
beforeEach(() => {
error = new Error();
it('rejects the promise returned from fetchAndParse with the same error', () => {
return promise.then(
err => assert.equal(err, error)
describe('when response.json resolves', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('resolves the promise returned from fetchAndParse with the result', () => {
return promise.then(result => assert.equal(result, 'parsed-response-body'));