A terraform module for Quortex infrastructure GKE cluster layer.
It provides a set of resources necessary to provision the Quortex infrastructure GKE cluster.
This module is available on Terraform Registry.
Get all our terraform modules on Terraform Registry or on Github !
This module creates the following resources in GCP:
- a fully configurable GKE cluster
- a list of node pools to create in that cluster
module "gke-cluster" {
source = "quortex/gke-cluster/google"
# Globally used variables.
project_id = module.network.project_id
location = "europe-west1-c"
# Prevent resources conflicts for multiple workspaces usage.
cluster_name = "quortex-${terraform.workspace}"
network = module.network.network
subnetwork = module.network.subnetwork
pod_range_name = module.network.pod_range_name
svc_range_name = module.network.svc_range_name
master_cidr_block = module.network.master_cidr_block
min_master_version = "1.14.10-gke.27"
node_pools = {
main = {
machine_type = "custom-2-4096"
min_node_count = 1
max_node_count = 1
workflow-preemptive-group = {
machine_type = "n1-highcpu-16"
min_node_count = 2
max_node_count = 4
# External networks that can access the Kubernetes cluster master through HTTPS.
master_authorized_networks = {
quortex = ""
This project is part of our terraform modules to provision a Quortex infrastructure for Google Cloud Platform.
Check out these related projects.
terraform-google-network - A terraform module for Quortex infrastructure network layer.
terraform-google-load-balancer - A terraform module for Quortex infrastructure GCP load balancing layer.
terraform-google-storage - A terraform module for Quortex infrastructure GCP persistent storage layer.
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