🧑💻 I currently work with backend development and automation at Novo lar. I love studying about Data Science and Analysis. I am affiliated with the Faculty of Computing (FACOMP) at UFPA, where I do research focusing on millimeter waves. I am also an occasional information security enthusiast.
💬 I have experience with:
- Programming Languages: SQL, Python, Shell Script, Go
- Tools & Frameworks: Bash, Anaconda, Docker
- Data Science: Data Analysis, Data Visualization, Machine Learning and Storytelling
- Mathematics: Linear Algebra, Statistics
- 💬 I enjoy learning and applying new technologies to solve real-world problems. I currently use project-based learning methodology when I want to learn something new.
- 🛠️ I am always open to collaborating on interesting projects and ideas.
- Data Collection with IoT: Using esp32 boards for data collection, analysis and visualization with real-time dashboards.
- Machine learning in 5g transmission networks: Analysis and development of smart mobility systems in the context of millimeter waves.
- electronic time clock
- Portfolio
- Email: robertgabriel@disroot.org, public-key: A6E3823D10D27B7AD5E0690F8CFC9123D376DE8B