A Simple Userbot For Telegram made With Python And Telethon.
- Heroku (
) - Local Machine
-You api id, from my.telegram.org or ScrapperRoBot.API_HASH
- You api hash, from my.telegram.org or ScrapperRoBot.SESSION
- SessionString for your accounts login session. Get it from hereBOT_TOKEN
- Make from Botfather
One of the following database:
- For Redis (tutorial here)
- Get your Necessary Variables
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/r0ld3x/Userver.git
- Go to the cloned folder:
cd Userver
- Create a virtual env:
python3 -m virtualenv env
(linux)virtualenv env
(windows) - Activate Virtual Env
source env/bin/activate
- Install Requirements
pip install -U -r requirements.txt
- Fill your details in a config.yaml file, as given in config.yaml.sample. (You can either edit and rename the file or make a new file named config.yaml.)
- Run the bot:
bash start.sh
Different ways to get your SESSION
- TelegramBot : @SessionGeneratorBot
python ses_gen.py
- Go To Redis.com and click "
Try Free
" in Top Right Corner. - Fill All The Required Details Like email, first and last name, password, etc.
- Tick Below "I agree the corresponding...Privacy Policy." and Click "Get Started".
- Now Check Your Email, and click the "Activate Now" sent by redislabs via email.
- Now Login and Chose Free Plan in "Fixed Size" Area and Write any name in "Subscription Area".
- On the Next Page Write Database Name and click Activate.
Congrats! Your DB has been created 🥳
- Wait 5 mins after DB creation.
- Then There Would Be 2 Things Named "
" and "Access Control & Security
". - Copy Both Of Them and Paste Endpoint url in
and "Access ...Security" inREDIS_PASS
- For support
Userver is licensed under GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later.
Made with 💕 by @r0ld3x.