Pokedex-Flutter was developed to showcase various modern Flutter development toolkits such as Bloc state management, Dio for network requests etc.
If you want to see the Native Android -Jetpack Compose version of Pokedex, check out the Pokedex-Android repository.
- State Management: Bloc (With Single State)
- Network Manager: Dio
- Dependency Injection(DI): GetIt
- Local Database: Drift
- Flutter SDK: 3.24.4
- Dart: 3.5.4
- Part of the UI used in the Pokemon Details screen is from figma shared UI which can be found here: https://www.figma.com/design/b5J7MDzB05ivkpGwjGJRyY/Pok%C3%A9dex-(Community)?node-id=314-3&t=qPncDaG0c3DWdIMN-0
- For pokemon information: https://pokeapi.co/
- For pokemon image information: https://github.com/PokeAPI/sprites (Provides direct access to pokemon images)