In 1996, the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) flew aboard Mars Global Surveyor. Using infrared laser pulses, it created a precise map of the planet's topography.
We're loading this data onto the awesome webgl-based voxel.js engine so that you can take a hike through Valles Marineris, climb up Olympus Mons and say hello to Curiosity on Gale Crater.
This release is a very early alpha; right now you can freely roam through the entire surface (well, except the poles) of a scaled down Mars; we're using the highest resolution map provided by NASA, at 463 meters per pixel. Since your avatar is ~1.5 voxel high, yes, you're seeing Mars through the eyes of a ~694m tall giant. Still, it would take about 1 hour and 47 minutes, walking non-stop, to go around the world.
Future ideas include:
interpolate MOLA data as far as possible to get closer to human scale
use HiGHRISE DTMs (available in select locations with a resolution of ~2m per pixel)
a science-based (no dragons) survival mode on which you have to generate your oxygen and fuel, extract your water, grow your food, make martian bricks, etc
use voxel-sky to add phobos and deimos
add every lander and rover ever sent to Mars and put them at their correct locations
allow player to fly in "tourism" mode
Clone repo and install dependencies
git clone
npm i
Download the MOLA data (2GB total, might be a good idea to go get a cup of coffee)
npm run download
Slice them into smaller PNG files (should take less than 4 minutes)
npm run slice
Run with
npm start
And that's it! Go to http://localhost:3000/ and enjoy!