This is a boilerplate project used for starting new projects!
Complete the following steps to set up a new boilerplate:
- Clone this repo
into cloned repository- Make a fresh start of the git history with
rm -rf .git && git init
- Install dependencies with
npm install
- Move the example .env file to
that will be ignored by git and read by and read by the express servermv example.env .env
- Edit the contents of the
to use NEW-PROJECT-NAME instead of"name": "express-boilerplate",
- If using PostgreSQL with Postgrator, checkout the
branchgit checkout psql
- For a REST API boiler plate with JWT auth system in place, checkout the
branchgit checkout auth
- For a simple Express/GraphQL server checkout the
branchgit checkout graphql
Start the REST API server with npm run dev
or npm start
Start the GraphQL server with node src/server.js
Run database migrations npm run migrate
Run the texts npm test
(steps 4-8 for deploy with database addon)
Log in to Heroku CLI
heroku login
Make a new project
heroku create <name-of-project>
Push to Heroku
git push heroku main
Create the database addon
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
Get the database url
heroku pg:credentials:url
Insert the url
psql <url>
Run production migrations
npm run migrate:production
Seed the production database
cat <file-name> | heroku pg:psql