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Product Recommendation Engine Recommendation engines are now a one of the most common Machine Learning project that can be seen now-a-days. In fact, some biggest brands are build around one, like Netflix, Amazon, Google, etc. Thirty-five percent of purchases on Amazon come from product recommendations.

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Product Recommendation Engine

Recommendation engines are now a one of the most common Machine Learning project that can be seen now-a-days. In fact, some biggest brands are build around one, like Netflix, Amazon, Google, etc. Thirty-five percent of purchases on Amazon come from product recommendations.

What Is a Recommendation Engine?

A recommendation engine is a data filtering tool which uses machine learning algorithms to recommend the most relevant items to a user.

It operates on the principle of finding patterns in consumer behavior data, which can be collected implicitly or explicitly. Netflix uses a recommendation engine to present viewers with movie and show suggestions. Amazon,uses a product recommendation engine to present customers with product recommendations.

In the past, recommendations would come from a salesperson or friends and family. But today,this is done with the help of algorithms.

Types of Recommendation Engines

There are three main types of recommendation engines:

1) Collaborative filtering:

It focuses analyzing data of user behavior, activities, and preferences, to predict what a person will like, based on their similarity to other users.

2) Content-Based filtering

It works on the principle that if you like a particular item, you will also like this other item. To make recommendations, algorithms use a profile of the description of an item (genre, product type, color, word length) to work out the similarity of items using cosine and Euclidean distances.

a) Vector based approach
b) Classification based approach

3) Hybrid above of the two

A hybrid recommendation engine includes both the collaborative and the content-based data. Because of this, it outperforms both.

Will we be discussing content-based filtering vector approach on which this project is based on.

How does Recommendation Engine (project) works?

Step 1) Preprocessing and converting the text to vectors:

1) The primary step is to pre-process dataset to remove stopwords, punctuations, and perform lemmatization to avoid redundancy in data.
2) Now, the available in string format and needs to converted to vectors for generating similarities. For that, pre-trained embeddings of tensorflow are used with suitable dimensions.

Step 2) Mathematical measures to determine how similar is a vector to a given vector.

Now, the correlation or similarities between the vector are to be calculated using mathematical algorithms.

Mathematical Similarity metrics used:

  1. Cosine Similarity: The Cosine angle between the vectors.
  2. Dot Product: The cosine angle and magnitude of the vectors also matters.
  3. Euclidian Distance: The elementwise squared distance between two vectors

Using above algorithms, the indices of the vectors sorted on the bases of highest similarity are returned. These indices are stored in a seperate file .pkl (pickle).

Step 3) Uploading the data to database for API creation:

Now this modified dataset containing the products, description, vectors, indices is stored on a MongoDB server to make predictions dynamically using API.

Step 4) API Creation (using Flask):

1) Importing the vector indices file for performing the predictions and connecting using MongoDB.

The vector incides file should be present in the static folder so API can access it.

data_path = 'static/[name_of_your_file].pkl'

with open(data_path, 'rb') as f:
    data = pickle.load(f)

CONNECTION_STRING = "[paste_mongodb_connectionstring]"
connect = pymongo.MongoClient(CONNECTION_STRING,ssl=True,ssl_cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE)

2) Querying and Prediction generation:

Check out the file for API:

class Engine(Resource):
def get(self,_id):

    # Creating ObjectId for querying database
    _id = ObjectId(str(_id))
    # Finding product for similar products arguments
    dist_args_description = products.find_one({"_id": _id})['dist_arg']
    # dist_args_category = products.find_one({"_id": _id})['dist_arg_category']
    # dist_args_type = products.find_one({"_id": _id})['dist_arg_type']
    # dist_args_features = products.find_one({"_id": _id})['dist_arg_features']
    similar_products_desc = [data[i]['product_name'] for i in dist_args_description]
    # similar_products_category = [data[i]['product_name'] for i in dist_args_category]
    # similar_products_type = [data[i]['product_name'] for i in dist_args_type]
    # similar_products_features = [data[i]['product_name'] for i in dist_args_features]
    id_products_desc = []
    # id_products_category = []
    # id_products_type = []
    # id_products_features = []
    for pd in similar_products_desc:
        id_products_desc.append(str(products.find_one({"proudct_name": pd})['_id']))
        # id_products_category.append(str(products.find_one({"proudct_name": pd})['_id']))
        # id_products_type.append(str(products.find_one({"proudct_name": pd})['_id']))
        # id_products_features.append(str(products.find_one({"proudct_name": pd})['_id']))

    output = {

    return output

api.add_resource(Engine, '/<string:_id>')

It takes the product ObjectID as input and returns the ObjectID and product name to the server as a json file.

Step 5) Deployment:

The API can be deployed on cloud server like AWS, Heroku, etc. For deployment on Heroku refer to the following link:


In this post, we have taken a look at the types of filtering mechanisms and their features. Also, a complete talk about deep learning-based content-based vector approach of filtering applications with a complete implementation of model from scratch to final API developement and deployment using Heroku.


Tech Stack

Server: Python, Pandas, Tensorflow, API, Flask, MongoDB


Product Recommendation Engine Recommendation engines are now a one of the most common Machine Learning project that can be seen now-a-days. In fact, some biggest brands are build around one, like Netflix, Amazon, Google, etc. Thirty-five percent of purchases on Amazon come from product recommendations.







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