Horse is a Bid Euchre variant, having some similarities to 500
- similar to Euchre - there are Bauers (unless no-trump is called)
- deck has cards 9 and up, no jokers
- 24 cards with 4 players (i.e. 6 cards per player)
- bid for # of tricks (up to 6)
- bidding continues until three passes
- bid winner declares trump (or that there is no trump) after winning the bid
- special bid: "Horse" (== 6, going alone)
- 6 tricks with a trump (i.e. cannot be no-trump, which is just "6")
- opponents can double
- doubling is only for "Horse" bids
- this means that they are bidding Horse
- if the double stands, opponents become the bid winners
- original bidding team can redouble
- redoubling is only for doubled "Horse" bids
- only the player who didn't bid "Horse" can redouble
- this means that person is bidding Horse and choosing the suit
- bidder asks partner for up to 6 cards from their hand
- bidder chooses up to 6 losers to drop from their hand before getting new cards
- bidder hands discarded cards to partner, who puts them face-down
- partner hands bidder the new cards
- bidder plays alone against the two opponents
- the person to the left of the declarer leads off the first trick
- 1 point per trick won
- opponents get no points for tricks won
- a bid of 6 (not Horse - e.g. 6 no-trump) = 6 points
- special scoring only for "Horse" bids:
- 2 points per trick = 12 points if successful
- if doubled, 4 points per trick = 24 points
- if redoubled, 8 points per trick = 48 points
- opponents gain 1 point per trick they take
- if this pushes their score over 50 they do not win the game
- only a positive score from making a bid wins the game
- bidder gets -1 point per trick bid
- -2 point per trick if Horse was bid = -12
- -4 point per trick if Horse was redoubled = -48
- scoring 50 or more by winning a bid
- scoring 50 or more by foiling a bid will not win
- opponents score -25 or lower
- If you have only 1 jack and bad cards: pass
- 2 opposite-coloured jacks: bid 2 — if partner has a jack they should bid Horse
- A bid of 3 can be a defensive bid to simply prevent a 2 bid by opponents